Kmiec says he will change his position if the Pope tells him to do so

From CNA: My Comments are in blue.

Excerpts from this article are contained below -- to read the entire article go here.

Doug Kmiec, a " pro-life " Catholic who vocally supported President-elect Barack Obama, defended his position in a lecture Tuesday at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California. The law professor told attendees that if Pope Benedict told him that his support for the pro-abortion politician was out of line with the Church’s teachings, he would stand by the Magisterium.

There's no way Doug Kmiec is pro-life -- that's a lie. Anyone who supports Obama is pro-death. Obama is 100% pro-death and has been so from the very beginning. Anyone who looks at his voting record knows this. By his own words Obama has pledged to support FOCA.

If Doug Kmiec knows the first thing about his religion, he knows that what he is doing and has done is wrong. He does not need the Holy Father to tell him what he is doing is wrong. He has willfully supported and continues to support something that is gravely evil. Even little children know abortion is wrong. I know mothers who take their pre-school children out to the abortion mill with them to pray for the babies who are being killed there thanks to politicians like Obama. If a Catholic professor isn't intelligent enough to figure it out then he doesn't belong in the position he's in. If his conscience is that poorly formed, then he needs to immediately seek help from a priest -- a spiritual director -- who is obedient to the Magisterium of the Church. He's creating public scandal, confusing others about what is morally right and wrong, causing them to commit sin. He needs to be reprimanded and removed from his position of authority. This man's views are not in line with what the Church teaches and the sooner he is removed from the limelight the better. He's done immeasurable damage to the souls of others and to our country. Let's stop him from doing anymore. He has already basically excommunicated himself from the Church. He has been receiving prayer from other Catholics for his conversion. Something needs to be done before he causes any more damage.

About 30 to 40 protesters against Kmiec’s speech stood in silence outside the seminary gates, an attendee who requested anonymity told CNA. Inside the seminary, nearly 300 people listened to Kmiec’s speech, the Thirteenth Annual Newman C. Eberhardt lecture.

Thank God for these protestors. People need to stand up against the evil that he has done and continues to do.

Father Eberhardt was a long-time history professor at the seminary.

Kmiec told how he was first drawn to Obama during his “Call to Renewal” speech. Attending a meeting which included Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, he told how he became convinced that while Obama had no religious upbringing, he is a religious man.

Obama may be a "religious man", Doug, but most of us (Catholics, Christians) don't want to belong to a "religion" that murders it's preborn and born alive babies who have survived an abortion. Most of us don't want anything to do with a religion that advocates embryonic stem cell research and same sex relationships/marriages. We know that these things violate natural law as well as God's law. We are aware that these things are intrinsically evil and cause the breakdown of society. Supporting them puts our souls in grave danger and separates us from the love of God.

Explaining his belief that the legal fight against abortion is lost,

That's the devil speaking to you, Doug, and you're believing the lie.

Kmiec advocated reducing the numbers of abortions through economic means and fully informing women about abortion. He also added that Obama had worked for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, a primary vehicle for Catholic charity.

OK, Obama helped out a charity once upon a time -- even atheists do that! Does that make him infallible? Shouldn't you be following what the Holy Father teaches and not Obama? Can you not see the difference?

“Several of his students wished that he could be there to demolish Dr. Kmiec’s presentation point by point,” the attendee told CNA, claiming that the setting of the event “causes scandal to the faithful and sows confusion throughout the non-Catholic community.”

Anyone who has an inkling of a conscience can see that there is something wrong with this type of behavior.

Concluding his remarks, Kmiec said he would always “bear the scar” of being refused Communion at Mass for the Catholic business leaders’ group Legatus, where a deacon believed his support for Obama should have barred him from receiving. Kmiec related how he loved his faith and didn’t know what he would do without it.

The deacon did what was right and I think you know it. That scar is the result of serious sin, Doug. If you are feeling guilty or bad about what you did, that's a good sign. It shows that you realize you did something wrong and need to repent. You need help! Go to Confession, talk to a priest, and get counseling and direction for your soul. Get help, now! You never know when you might die. Do you want to face God with these sins on your soul? If someone hasn't told you this already, then take my words to heart. I am saying them out of love for you, Doug, and out of concern for the well-being of your soul and the souls of others. God is merciful-- seek that mercy and peace.

Yes, we need to continue to lift up Doug Kmiec in prayer and we need to pray for those in authority over him.


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