Video: Demographic Winter

From Padre Steve: This preview is a good intro to what looks to be a very interesting film. If the world's demographic trends continue we are in for a very difficult time. People of faith have to pray that we live out our lives joyfully and filled with hope. Too many people today sadly live without hope. Watch the trailer and look for the film! The following is from the lifesite news:

While the world focuses its energies and its fears on a purported global-warming crisis, a new, not-yet-released documentary claims that if there is any global crisis, it is not global warming, ut rather demographic winter.

As the website for Demographic Winter: The Decline of the Human Family, explains, the phrase "'Demographic Winter' denotes the worldwide decline in birthrates, also referred to as a 'birth-death,' and what it portends."

Read the rest here.

The official website for Demographic Winter: The Decline of the Human Family

~ Via Da Mihi Animas


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