The Battle Begins: Obama, the Führer, is in now in Control!

D.C. cops ban pro-life messages

'Is this the future of free speech and political dissent under President Obama?'

The Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department has forbidden a pro-life gathering and chalk display during Inauguration Week – and now the group is fighting back with a lawsuit against the District of Columbia.

Way to go, pro-lifers!

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, said the department is banning the event because of its message.

What happened to 1st amendment rights? Obama and the far liberal left banning 1st amendment rights? If it were their rights that were being denied, they would be screaming bloody murder! Since it comes from the conservative Christian right, forget it. The culture of life message isn't what they want to hear, so our rights are automatically denied.

"For over 16 years, law enforcement officials have given permission to the Christian Defense Coalition to use public 'sidewalk chalking' as a part of their demonstrations and vigils in the nation's capitol. The City of Washington, D.C., has also allowed numerous public 'chalk art displays' throughout the city," he said in a statement. "It is therefore most troubling that for the first time the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department is banning this practice when it involves a pro-life display in front of the White House."

Thursday, Jan. 22, marks the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Since 1974, pro-life activists have gathered in Washington, D.C., each year to protest the decision and call attention to millions of lives lost.

The Christian Defense Coalition and Generation Life and Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust asked for permission to meet and draw sidewalk chalk messages on the sidewalk near the White House, as many groups have often done during public assemblies. MORE

This angers me like you wouldn't believe. This is the United States of America and we have a right to speak out for life. Just because Obama and his pro-death cohorts don't agree with our views doesn't give him the authority to take away our constitutional rights.

Obama -- the new Hitler and his gestapo are coming to town -- to silence the voices of those who speak out for life-- forcing the culture of death upon the people of this land with FOCA, which shouts out: death to the innocent children, death to the imperfect, the undesirable, the frail....slaughter those who bring inconvenience. The Führer is now in control!


  1. Remember Joe the Plumber..The man who asked a simple question where Obama actually gave a truthful response. Joe was then character assassinated with the help of Obama...THAT is your future. The man who promised 'change' and then re-hired the Clinton team including Hillary herself...go figure..I said he would give Americans small change and he has.

    Good piece Jean:).

    Peace, JOY & love to you:)

    Marie xooxoxoxo

  2. I absolutely loathe that man.

    Thank you for this piece and all your efforts at promoting pro-life, Jean.


  3. I'll keep my guns, freedom and pro-life stand, you keep the change!

  4. I believe everyone needs to oppose Barack Hussein Obama and his Gestapo from day one, as the whole democratic party thinks they can do what they wish. They are controlled by the most evil man of this day, George Soros.


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