Simple Woman's Daybook: January 12, 2009

Outside My Window ... it's dark. I have been writing and blogging most of the night and it's 4:21 a.m. -- a little past my usual bedtime.

I am thinking ... how good it will feel to get into bed.

I am thankful for ... this week's groceries and for God's caring for our needs despite the fact that my dh has been without employment for two months now (His job was cut.) and there is little money coming in. Massive layoffs in this area began shortly after "the Obamanator" was elected in November and continue.

From the kitchen ... the scent of popcorn, which he made that I have been nibbling on.

I am wearing ... my nightgown.

I am creating ... this post.

I am going ... to continue to fight FOCA with every ounce of strength and determination that I have.

I am reading ... my devotionals and will start a new pro-life book tomorrow.

I am hoping ... that Bill finds employment soon and that my book proposal is accepted so we will be able to afford to pay for our basic living expenses.

I am hearing ... my cat purr. She's sitting in my lap right now.

Around the house ... there's much cleaning to do. I have managed to keep up with the laundry and cooking, but have put off the cleaning.

One of my favorite things ... writing and pro-life work are my passion.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... work, work, work, which will hopefully bring in some income.

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. I am hoping for a job for Bill too! Have a good day

  2. Thanks for the sharing of yourself with me. I got to your site via Peggy Hostetler's blog, and so glad I did. I shall be praying that your husband finds work, and that your book proposal is accepted.
    Jean K.

  3. Thanks, Paula. I just visited your blog and really enjoyed it there.

    Thanks, Eugenia. Your prayers are precious to me.

    God bless you both!

  4. Praying for Bill and your book proposal, Jean! God shower an abundance of blessings your way!!!


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