Vatican Newspaper Publishes Article Detailing Birth Control Pill as Cause of Abortion and Cancer

The Vatican’s official newspaper has caused a media storm in the European press with an article asserting the abortifacient and carcinogenic effects of hormonal contraceptives.

The Italian edition of L’Osservatore Romano carries an article this week on a report by the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) that was created to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, the document by Pope Paul VI that reiterated the Catholic Church’s teaching on artificial birth control.

Pedro José María Simón Castellví, the president of FIAMC, wrote that “the means of contraception violate at least five important rights: the right to life, the right to health, the right to education, all right to information (their spread is at the expense of information on natural resources) and the right to equality between the sexes (the burden of contraception falls mostly on women).”

“Curiously”, Castelvi wrote, this information on the abortifacient effect of the Pill “does not reach the general public,” despite being well-known to researchers.

The hundred-page report, published in German, is an analysis of scientific data on the effects of the Pill and includes three hundred bibliographic citations, mostly from specialized medical journals. Entire Article.

It never ceases to amaze me how shocked people are by these studies, which validate study after study conducted over many years. It only makes sense that when you put something that is not natural into your body it is going to cause problems. Our bodies were made to give life - not to destroy it. When we attempt to destroy life, we also destroy our own health. It's simply a natural consequence of our own actions. What is shocking is the fact that women would advocate and support something so injurious to their own bodies.

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