At the time George Tiller was killed, the state of Kansas Healing Arts Board had already taken two out of three steps to revoke his medical license.

The Board - under a new executive director not allied with abortionists (as was the past one) - declared as a finding of fact, that illegal post-viability abortions were being performed at Tiller's facility for the past six years, because they were done without the legally required referrals of a doctor not financially or legally affiliated with the abortionist.

The Board said the referring doctor, Kristin Neuhaus, not only was illegally affiliated with Tiller, but that her entire income was derived from abortion referrals for his clinic!

The Board's assertion of criminal activity deserves continued aggressive action to prevent any and all Kansas abortion clinics from undermining the independent second physician requirement, or any other part of the 1998 post-viable ban in Kansas.

Therefore, we ( Kansans for Life ) continue to call for regulatory actions and revocation of the medical licenses of not only Kristin Neuhaus, but Tiller’s former associates LeRoy Carhart, Shelly Sella and Susan Robinson. In March, Tiller testified in court that these doctors also used Neuhaus for their referrals at his clinic.

Understandably, because of his murder, the Board has dropped the complaint against Dr. Tiller's license. Our concern is that unless the Board follows up on other related open complaints, the illegal activity cited could be continued by these other doctors who also utilized Neuhaus for referrals. This is especially urgent given that Leroy Carhart has announced his intention to open a late-term abortion clinic in Kansas.

For instance, an earlier, and still active, Kansans for Life complaint specifically asked the Board to take action against all Kansas-licensed doctors involved in illegal late-term abortions.

The 1998 Kansas ban on the abortion of viable babies has narrow exceptions, and carefully crafted requirements. Under the law, post-viability abortions can only be allowed if a second, unaffiliated Kansas-licensed physician verifies such an abortion is needed to prevent the death* of the mother or irreversible & substantial bodily** damage to, the mother.

* Since 1998, abortionists have been required to file state abortion reports, and none of the over 5,000 late-term abortions (nearly 3,000 of them on viable unborn babies) since then, have been reported as done to prevent the mother’s death. A ten year compilation of the abortion report statistics can be seen here.

** "Bodily" was interpreted by past Attorney General Stovall to include mental health.

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