In Your Dreams, Obama...

In an interview in France, Obama makes the factually dubious claims that based on Population the United States would be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.

Is he living in the same country that we are? Where are his statistics to back up what he's saying?

Most estimates peg the US Muslim population around 6 million which would place us as the 34th largest Muslim country in the world.

Debbie Shussel cites a reputable Pew study to estimate the number of American Muslims at 1.6 million, this means that while 78% of our population is Christian, we are not a Christian nation and yet with only .6% of our population claiming Islam as their faith we are actually a "muslim country."

It is interesting to note that Obama is willing to throw the term Muslim Country around but rejects the term Christian Nation.

~ Via Expose Obama.


  1. The white house occupant is the stupidest person I know!

  2. It's chilling. Our Christian history counts for nothing? Our Christina forefathers? I always thought Obama seemed a little disconnected from American history. I can't remember him ever referencing the principles on which our country was founded, etc. And then there's Michelle's lack of pride thing. This "muslim country" thing was bizarre.

  3. The words of his mouth create history as I've been told by an anonymous, name calling lib on my blog.
    The messiah speaks, and the facts magically rearrange themselves to suit his point of view, according to the mainstream media.
    I wonder how his gay rights and abortion on demand agenda will square with thinking Muslims?

  4. Well, I'll bet dollars to donuts that we have more Muslims than Antartica, more than the principality of Monaco, and more than the Duchy of Lichenstein.

    So, yeah....we're one of the countries with the largest number of Muslims living within their borders....when compared to other nation states.


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