Second Senator Says Sotomayor Backs Roe V Wade
In an earlier post, I reported that Sonia Sotomayer met with top pro-abortion Senator Diane Feinstein on Tuesday and Feinstein said she felt comfortable with her support of Roe V. Wade.
Now pro-abortion Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat who met with Sotomayor late Wednesday, is saying the same thing.
"I was very pleased that the judge indicated that in the past that she has had a great respect for precedent and that Roe v. Wade is established law," Wyden told reporters, according to a Politico report.
Wyden says he asked specifically about the issue of abortion and the controversial Supreme Court case and "she acknowledged the importance of precedent."
"She made that very clear," Wyden said. Read more here.
DUH! Why else would the white house occupant choose her? THey HAVE to mirror his agenda.