Advent Resources 2009

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops  has created an Advent and Christmas website with suggestions for daily prayers, readings, reflection and action. A collection of Lessons and Carols is also provided for live listening or download. The site also contains a printable Advent calendar, a Christmas calendar, and family activities.

Elena at My Domestic Church lists her Advent mega-links here.

The Anchoress posts on Advent on First Things with related resources.

Aggie Catholic's post and resources for Advent can be found here.

Karen Edmisten blogs on The No-Panic Advent Series here.

If you need an Advent wreath for your blog, check out The Curt Jester's post here.

Related Posts on Catholic Fire: 

First Sunday in Advent: Pro-Life Advent Reflection with Fr. Thomas Euteneuer

 12 Tips To a Better Advent Season


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