Catholics Urged to Picket Cdl. Mahony's Faith-Subverting Dissent-Fest

ANAHEIM, March 15 /Christian Newswire/ "Our committee is calling all Catholics to come join us and oppose Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony's latest dissent-fest," says Kenneth M. Fisher, chairman of Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc. (CRCOA).  "He's going to make tens of thousands of Catholics hear Faith-subverters, the kind who get people to defy the Church on abortion, homosexuality, contraception, New Age practices and ordination of women."

Fisher announced that on Saturday, March 20, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., his group will picket Cardinal Mahony's annual Religious Education Congress, the world's largest training event for Catholic schoolteachers.

(The Congress will be at the Anaheim Convention Center, March 18-21.  The Saturday protest will be outside the Center's main exhibit hall.  CRCOA will supply picket signs to picketers.)

Fisher said, "Many of the presenters aren't objectionable, and Cardinal Mahony does have a few well-known 'token' orthodox Catholic speakers.  But he's also bringing in speakers with long track records of dissent from Catholic doctrine."

"Cardinal Mahony's pro-gays, women-priest advocates, New Agers and anti-Pope rebels will tell Catholic educators what to teach," Fisher warned.  "Then the teachers will go home and infect countless innocent Catholic children with those errors."

Fisher said CRCOA members will hand out flyers that expose speakers who dissent from the Church's doctrines.  Here are some of Cdl. Mahony's 188 speakers:

A non-Catholic, far left, pro-contraception speaker who's said we don't need to ban aborting babies and who's advised U.S. senators and representatives on how to get believers to vote for pro-gay, pro-abortion Democrats

A laicized priest who dissents from "a wide range of Church teachings" and wants women priests and women bishops.

A nun who called Catholic doctrine against non-marital sex "a fixation."

A Catholic priest who told the 2005 REC that "we" need "public models" of "healthy gay priests for Catholics to reflect on."

"Why is Cardinal Mahony promoting such speakers?" Fisher asked.  "Shouldn't a cardinal make sure his speakers are loyal to the Church?"


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