The Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel

The feast of the Apparition of Saint Michael commemorates the appearance of the archangel to a man named Gargan in 492 on Mount Gargano near Manfredonia in southern Italy. Gargan and others were pasturing cattle on the mountain; a bull wandered off and hid in a cave. An arrow was shot into the cave, but it came flying back out and wounded the archer. The cowherds went to their bishop who ordered three days of fasting and prayer to seek an explanation for the mystery. At the end of the three days Michael appeared to the bishop and requested a church built in the honor of the Holy Angels in the cave. If you find medals or holy cards with ‘relics‘ of Michael, they are probably rock chips from the cave, or pieces of cloth that have touched it.

For more information, go here.


  1. I love this story - never knew about the rock chip relics! Thanks for posting it!


  2. I say the St. Michael's prayer daily.


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