Miracle approved for beatification of John Paul II

The beatification of John Paul II appears to be quickly approaching. According to the Vatican, during the last weeks of 2010, doctors and theologians from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints gathered in the strictest of secrecy, to finally approve the miracle that will take the “Venerable” John Paul II to the altars.

It was the instant and unexplainable healing of a French nun, Marie Simon-Pierre, who suffered from advanced Parkinson's. The disease forced her to retire from her duties as a nurse in the maternity hospital of Arles, France. In June 2005, after praying to John Paul II for an improvement in her disease, the Parkinson's totally disappeared.

Now the miracle just needs to be ratified by the cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and then signed by Benedict XVI, which is expected to take place this January.

Then, the eventual beatification of John Paul II will be only a matter of time, and should take place in May or October of this year, which will bring millions of people together in celebration.

Source:  Rome Reports


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