Looking for ways to celebrate Valentine's Day?

February 13, 2012. (Romereports.com) Few people know that Valentine's Day is actually linked to an Italian saint who was born in Terni, Italy back in the 3rd century. He's known as the protector of love and his story is fascinating.

According to tradition, there was a time when Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage, so that young men could devote themselves entirely to the army. But a priest named Valentine considered this law unfair, so he decided to marry couples, even though it was illegal.

To honor his legacy, the Church also has a few initiatives to celebrate Valentine's Day. On its website, the Episcopal Conference of Australia published a so called 'Kit for Valentine's Day,' with includes tips on how to respect, love and build a happy marriage.

In the U.S a website called “National Marriage Week,” is also listing tips on ways to improve one's marriage and even instructions on how to write a love letter.

There's also a so called “virtual retirement marriage” site that gives a few tips for each day of the week.

On their Facebook profile, even bishops launched a new catechesis on marriage and building a strong connection between husband and wife.

Meanwhile, a blog named 'Catholic Cuisine' believes that love and food go hand in hand. Its website includes several recipes for unique Valentine Day desserts.

So when it comes to celebrating Valentine's Day, these website make it even easier to say 'I love you' every day of the year.


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