Pope Francis: Key to success in life is trusting the Lord

None of the attendees wanted to miss a moment as Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Sacred Heart Parish on Sunday. During his homily, he spoke about the key to success in life.

"Many times, we trust a doctor: It's good because a doctor heals us. We trust in a person: brothers and sisters are there to help us. It's good to have this human trust, among us. But we forget about the trust in the Lord: this is the key to success in life.”

The joyful ceremony was punctuated at times with the Pope's native Spanish. Among the guests, were many young people, and so Pope Francis addressed them specifically.

"Listen closely you, boys and girls, who are at the start of your lives: Jesus never disappoints. Never. Listen to what John says: Jesus, is kind, gentle, and will end as a lamb, slaughtered, without protesting. He came to save us, to take away our sins. Yours, mine, and from the entire world. All of them.”

Citing the day's reading from the Gospel, Pope Francis explained that the love of Jesus is capable of removing sin and evil. He added that God forgives sins, even if they're so heavy that a "truckload” cannot carry them. As in previous occasions, he asked worshipers to close their eyes and pray in silence.

"Now, I invite you to do one thing: close your eyes. Let's imagine that scene on the bank of the river: John doing a Baptism, and Jesus as he walks by. Then we hear John's voice: 'Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.' We look at Jesus, and silently, each one of us tells Jesus something from within our heart. In silence.”

At the end of the Mass, the Pope greeted several people, starting with the sick and the elderly. This is the fourth Roman parish Pope Francis has visited so far.


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