I want to thank all who have been praying for us during this difficult time in our lives and I wanted to personally update you on our situation. My husband has been without a full-time job for nearly 5 months now and we have been without health insurance and benefits for three months. He has been looking for a position as a manufacturing engineer, a manufacturing manager, or a plant manager. We live in the Wichita, KS area and would like to stay here, but are willing to relocate so that he can find a good job with benefits. If you are hiring for these positions or know of anyone who is, please contact me at . He is in need of work at this time, as his former employer eliminated some positions in this area due to a reorganization of the company. Also, thanks to all for your prayers for healing from my recent accident. With treatments from my chiropractor, I am recovering and am walking and driving again, but am not totally back to normal. Housework is painful, but ...