Today On Catholic Fire ~ Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Personal Reaction to Tiller's Murder - A candid account Kansas Coalition for Life Unequivocally Condemns the Shooting of Abortionist George Tiller Post - Abortive Christian Mom Comments on Tiller's Murder Quote of the Day: Cardinal Bernadine on Abortion A.L.L. Statement on George Tiller Killing Susan B. Anthony List on Tiller's Murder Tiller's Family Releases Statement Video: Fr. Frank Pavone on Tiller's Murder Pro-life Leaders Condemn Tiller's Murder Kansans for Life Deplores the Murder of Dr. George Tiller Operation Rescue Denounces the Killing of Abortionist Tiller Breaking: Suspect Arrested in Tiller Murder Breaking: Late -Term Abortionist Shot to Death Happy Feast of Pentecost Susan Boyle in Finale of Britain's Got Talent