Showing posts from December, 2009
Your help needed in bringing about a "mini-miracle"
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Dear Readers, I am writing this in hopes of a "mini miracle". As some of you already know, my husband's full-time position was cut over a year ago and this has been a very difficult time for us financially. Recently, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Catholic Fire was awarded the the Best Overall Pro-Life Blog in the American Life League Awards. What this means is that I will receive an award from the American Life League presented by Jill Stanek in Washington D.C at the Pro-Life Blog Award Dinner during ALL's Training and Activism Week and Personhood Conference Jan. 20, 2010, amid the nation's top pro-life leaders and pioneers for the personhood of all human beings, from the moment of creation until natural death. As the winner, my hotel accomodations for two days and three nights have been provided. However, I do not have the funds for transportation or meals while I am staying there. I am humbly asking for your help, dear readers, in financing ...
New York archdiocese sued for excluding unvaccinated pre-schooler
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The New York archdiocese is being sued by a couple who charge that they have suffered discrimination because of their pro-life beliefs. The couple say that their daughter has been denied entrance into an archdiocesan pre-school program because she has not received all required vaccinations. The family (whose name is being withheld to protect the girl’s privacy) say that they have a moral objection to the use of vaccines derived from fetal tissues. The New York archdiocese requires all schoolchildren to receive vaccinations. In 2005 the Vatican condemned the use of vaccinations derived from fetal tissues, and urged Catholics to press drug companies for alternative vaccines developed from acceptable sources. The Vatican document said that families could be justified in using vaccines from fetal lines if no other medicines were available, but praised those families that fought for alternatives. Earlier this year, Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker, Oregon, again encouraged parents to protest t...
St. Sylvester I, pope and confessor
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Today is the seventh day in the octave of Christmas. The Church celebrates the optional memorial of St. Sylvester I, pope and confessor. The fourth-century Pope St. Sylvester was the thirty-third Bishop of Rome and the first to be elected after the legalization of Christianity. The great Roman Emperor Constantine was convinced that his victory over his rivals for the throne at the Battle of Milvian Bridge outside Rome was due to the intervention of Christ; in gratitude, he issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which allowed Christians to practice their faith freely without fear of persecution. Upon the death of Pope St. Miltiades the following year, Sylvester was elected to the throne of Peter. Emperor Constantine, a fervent convert to Christianity (though he was not baptized until just before his death some years later), often interfered in the affairs of the Church in a paternal way. Sylvester had to achieve a difficult balance between gratitude to the emperor and maintaining the C...
Michael Voris,S.T.B.: Taxes are still immoral and evil!
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Top 10 Pro-life Stories of 2009
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By Jill Stanek Following are the top 10 stories of greatest impact to the pro-life movement in 2009, in both my opinion and the opinion of my blog readers. I'm listing them in chronological order, not necessarily in order of significance. Jan. 20: Inauguration of President Barack Obama, quick to please those hoping pro-lifers were right to assert he was the most anti-life politician ever elected to our highest office, when … Jan. 23: President Obama signs an executive order overturning the Mexico City Policy, thereby reauthorizing taxpayer funding of international groups promoting and/or committing abortion. Obama defenders rationalize that at least he waited until after the Jan. 22 anniversary of Roe v. Wade, demonstrating a non-provocative tone … toward born people, anyway. May 15: Gallup releases a poll showing that for the first time since it began asking the question in 1995, a 51 percent majority of Americans consider themselves "pro-life" as opposed to 42 ...
My Top Ten Books for 2009
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Not all of these were published in 2009, but all were read in 2009. Most publish dates are 2009. My favorites include: Mother Teresa's Secret Fire Grace Cafe The Big Book of Women Saints Heaven's Song: Sexual Love as it was Meant to be Sexual Wisdom for Catholic Adolescents Bleeder My Domestic Church In Name Only Spero - Book 2 in the Birth Pangs Series We Choose Life: Why You Should Too What are some of yours?
Speaker Pelosi Apparently Out of Touch with Women, Says Fr. Pavone
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Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, the Catholic Church's largest pro-life ministry, commented today on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's statement that because God gives humans free will, women should be able to exercise free will with regard to abortion. "I would think someone in Speaker Pelosi's position would realize that women do not get abortions because of freedom of choice; they get them precisely because they feel they have no freedom and no choice. Moreover, I doubt the Speaker would argue that because God grants us free will that the government should allow us to choose whether to pay taxes," said Fr. Pavone. "It's time to listen to the voices of those who have had abortions, like the women in the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. The pro-life movement is not about taking away their freedom. It's about taking away their despair," Fr. Pavone concluded. Once again, Fr. Frank Pavone has hit the nail on the h...
St. Anysia, Martyr
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Anysia lived in Thessalonica, an ancient city to which St. Paul himself had first brought the faith of Jesus. Born to a wealthy and pious family, Anysia lived private vows of chastity and poverty. Anysia was a Christian and after her parents' death, she used her great fortune to help the poor. In her day, there was a cruel persecution of Christians in Thessalonica. The Governor Dulcitius was especially determined to stop all Christians from meeting together for Holy Mass. But Anysia started out one day to try to go to a Christian meeting. As she passed a certain gate, called Cassandra, a guard took notice of her. Stepping out in front of her, he demanded to know where she was going. Frightened, Anysia stepped backwards, making the sign of the cross on her forehead. At that, the soldier grabbed her and shook her roughly. "Who are you?" he shouted. "And where are you going?" Anysia took a deep breath and replied, "I am a servant of Jesus Christ," she...
Christmas Miracle: Mom and Baby Die, Then Revive
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Some are calling it a Christmas miracle... a mom and her baby die during labor, but doctors at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs were able to bring them both back to life. Now, the whole family is back together at home. Doctors say it's very rare for this to happen, but after Tracey Hermanstorfer passed away during labor, doctors delivered the baby by c-section, with no anesthesia. That's when the family says the miracles began to unfold. Story and local video here.
An inspiring news story on two pro-life friends working in the trenches
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Catholic Health Association denies split with bishops on health reform
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Disputing a December 26 New York Times story, Sister Carol Keehan, president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association, has denied that her organization has split with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops over federal funding for abortion in health care reform legislation. “There is not a shred of disagreement between CHA and the bishops,” she said. “We believe there is a great possibility and probability that in conference committee we can work toward a solution that will prevent federal funding of abortion.” ~Via Catholic World News. Related Information: The Catholic Health Association Supports the Morally Unacceptable Compromise -- Raymond Arroyo at Seen and Unseen Catholic Health Association Backtracks On Senate Bill -- Deal Hudson at 'Not a shred of disagreement' between CHA, bishops on health reform (CNS) New York Times: Catholic hospitals split with bishops over Senate health bill (CWN, 12/28)
Ten tips for holy New Year resolutions
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Image Source: My Rome collection Be honest. Know yourself. What is your strongest virtue? What is your worst vice? Therefore, tailor your resolution so it strengthens your good side and fights your bad one. A one-size fits all resolution is useless. Be specific. Don’t use generalities. They don’t work. For example, if you need to be more humble, just saying “I am going to be more humble,” is useless. You need to zero in on one situation where you need to practice humility and resolve to improve in that one situation. Be simple. Don’t make it complicated. Focus on something you can see and measure easily and that does not overwhelm you each time you try to obtain it. Otherwise, you will become distracted and your energy will be dispersed and misdirected. Be reasonable. Don’t try to do too much at once. You won’t become a saint in one day. Remember: every soul has one MAJOR point upon which is hinged his or her ent...
Pope Benedict to Taize Community: Help people recover the sense of God
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In a message to participants in a conference organized by the Taize Community , Pope Benedict XVI encouraged Christians to bring good news to “men and women who have lost the sense of God.” The Pontiff said that in the modern world many people are thirsting for God, often without realizing what they want. He challenged those attending the 32nd European meeting of the Taize community to share “the joys of drawing from the wellsprings of the living God.” More Information: Helping People Who Have Lost the Sense of God (VIS) Source: Catholic World News
Feast of St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr
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Today is the fifth day in the octave of Christmas and the feast of St. Thomas Becket, also known as St. Thomas of Canterbury. St. Thomas Becket was born in London, England in 1118. His father was a Norman knight, Gilbert, who had become a prosperous merchant in London; his mother was also Norman, and he had at least two sisters. Thomas was noted for his piety, his strong devotion to Our Lady, and his generosity to the poor. He was educated at the Merton Priory in Sussex and at the University of Paris. When he returned to England at twenty-one, he obtained an appointment as a clerk to the sheriff’s court, where he showed great ability. He was determined to make it on his own in the world now that his parents were both deceased. After three years, he was taken into the household of Theobald, the Norman monk-archbishop of Canterbury. The young Thomas gradually climbed up the ecclesiastical ladder of success via his charm, his generosity and his adaptability. He was ambitious, an...
Feast of the Holy Innocents and our innocents today
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Children under the age of two in Bethlehem were massacred by Herod the Great in an attempt to kill the child Jesus. We call these Holy Innocents martyrs because they died in the place of Christ. St. Augustine called them "buds, killed by the frost of persecution the moment they showed themselves." In modern times, we have our own "holy innocents" -- those children who are killed daily in the place that should be the safest and most protective environment of all for them -- their mother's wombs. On this day, we recall the over 50 million defenseless babies in our country alone (since 1973) and the vast number of babies throughout the world who have been killed under the insane laws permitting abortion. Let us pray daily for an end to this tragedy and begin a novena for the protection of the unborn today. On this Feast of the Holy Innocents, let us also demand that abortion is not health care. It is a barbaric practice masquerading as freedom. Read the article, ...
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
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Today is the feast of the Holy Family. I have a special fondness for this feast day as it has been my ongoing prayer that my family will imitate the Holy Family in holiness, which brings peace to my heart as I envision that happening. The primary purpose of the Church in instituting and promoting this feast is to present the Holy Family as the model and exemplar of all Christian families. On this special feast day of the Holy Family let us pray that we may emulate their holiness in our own family. Say a prayer dedicating your family to the Holy Family. Pray also for all families and for our country to uphold the sanctity of the marriage bond, which is under attack. Prayer for the Feast of the Holy Family Dear Lord, bless our family. Be so kind as to give us the unity, peace, and mutual love that You found in Your own family in the little town of Nazareth. Saint Joseph, bless the head of our family. Obtain for him the strength, the wisdom, and the prudence he needs to support...
Community Feast Day: St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
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Head of St. John the Evangelist Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (French, 1780–1867) Today is the feast day of my Community -- the feast of St. John, the Apostle and Evangelist. St. John is also my patron saint and the saint I try most to emulate in my daily life. St. John, a fisherman, the son of Zebedee, and the brother of St. James the Great, was called to be an Apostle by our Lord in the first year of His public ministry, and he travelled everywhere with Him. St. John is known as the Beloved Disciple, the Apostle of Love. Why was he identified in this way? John loved Jesus greatly, and he demonstrated a meek, mild, tender, humble, and peaceable disposition that made him very much like Our Lord himself. Also, his singular privilege of chastity, his virginal purity rendered him worthy of this more particular love. As St. Augustine explains, "He was chosen by our Lord, a virgin, and he always remained such. Christ was pleased to choose a virgin for his mother, a virgin fo...
Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Feliz Navidad! Frohe Weihnacht! Prettige Kerstfeest! Buon Natale! Chuć Mưǹg Giańg Sinh!
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The Humanist Religion of Planned Parenthood
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Humanism is the religion that drives Planned Parenthood, which is why it should come as no surprise that it is intimately connected with the American Humanist Association. American life League explains the philosophical underpinnings of these organizations and how they relate to their advocacy in the political and social world.
Catholic Fire is a winner in the American Life League Awards!
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I just learned that Catholic Fire has won the Best Overall Pro-Life Blog in the American Life League Awards. I feel so honored, as Catholic Fire had some really stiff competition this year. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who voted for Catholic Fire . I am so grateful to all of you! :) You are the reason Catholic Fire won this award. God bless you! My congratulations and best wishes go out to the other winners: Best News and Reporting Award - Stand for Life Pro-Life Instigator Award for Activism - Operation Rescue Best Pro-Life Apologetics Award - Life Training Institute Pro-Life Whistleblower Award - Pro-Life Defender Pro-Life Unity Award - Fr. Frank's Blog
Fr. Frank Pavone's Inspirational Christmas Message: "In Christ, we all have the promise of change"
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Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, offers a Christmas blessing and challenges all of us to use the voices the newborn Jesus secured for us to stand for life and justice in the new year. This is a very uplifting and encouraging message which we can all benefit from hearing at this time. Thank you, Fr. Frank!
The Latest on the Health Care Reform Bill
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Please see the Catholics Against Obamacare articles: Senate Clears Major Health Care Vote 60-40 Is Senator Nelson another Judas Iscariot? Huckabee leads rally in Omaha to try to change Nelson's mind It's never too late to pray for a Christmas miracle: Prayer for the unborn and the health care reform Ben Nelson gives in, becomes #60 Health Care Alert: Don't Give Up! Is Obama's $789 billion buying votes instead of jobs?
Keep Infants with Down syndrome is on the march again!
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FAMILES WHO HAVE CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME TO MARCH TOGETHER IN THE 2010 MARCH FOR LIFE in D.C. TO RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT THE HIGH INCIDENCE OF ABORTING BABIES WITH DOWN SYNDROME KIDS (Keep Infants with Down Syndrome), a group of families who have children with Down syndrome, will meet for the second year in a row and walk together in the 2010 March for Life in Washington, D.C. KIDS wants to raise awareness about the 90% abortion rate of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome, to challenge the misinformation that often leads mothers to abort their babies with Down syndrome, and to proclaim the joy their children bring to their families and communities. DATE & TIME: Friday, January 22, 2009, 11:00 a.m. to Noon LOCATION: National Right to Life Committee, 512 10th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Meet for refreshments prior to walking together in the 2010 March for Life This event is open to individuals with Down syndrome and their families and friends. For more inform...
Saint of the Day: St. Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church
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Peter Canisius was born in Holland on May 8, 1521. Peter was a brilliant, but humble, young man, who studied at Cologne and received his license as doctor of civil law; he then went to Louvain (Belgium) to learn canon law. After he attended a retreat given by Blessed Peter Faber, the first disciple of St. Ignatius, he decided to become a Jesuit. On the day of his final vows, as he knelt in St. Peter's, Our Lord showed him a vision of His Sacred Heart. From that time forward, he never failed to make an offering of all his work to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sent to Germany, he worked strenuously for many years by his writings and teachings to confirm the Catholic faith. Of his numerous books, the Cathechism is most renowned. It remains a monument of the triumph of the Church over error in the time of Luther. A man of great energy, he taught in several universities, founded 18 colleges, and authored 37 books; his catechisms went through 200 printings in his lifetime and were tran...
Prayer for Health Care Reform
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O God our Father, we praise you for the work of your hands and for the precious gift of life. Grant your protection to those who are yet unborn. Inspire those who govern us to advance policies which protect the unborn child in the womb and preserve the conscience rights of all. Jesus, Divine Healer, may our legislators find the courage to advance needed health care reform that protects the conscience rights of health care providers and does not promote or fund abortion. Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of elected officials with the desire to save lives, not destroy them. Father, we ask this through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Meditation for the 4th Sunday of Advent: Mary, the Mother of Life
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This is not the will of the people nor is it the will of God! It looks bad right now, but we must continue to pray and put our trust in God. 9am Saturday, December 19, 2009: Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) has agreed to vote for cloture, which will enable passage of the Senate bill and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has introduced the Manager's Amendment in containing all the compromises and provisions he has agreed to in order to secure the 60 votes needed to close debate (cloture) and thus enable passage of the bill. Senator Nelson sought to make a floor statement announcing the reasons for his decision, but Senate Republicans objected, and also insisted on Senate clerks reading the Manager's Amendment. NRLC's Powell Center for Medical Ethics will analyze and report on the rationing aspects of the 383-page Manager's Amendment, which will take some hours. ~ Via Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics, Washington, D.C. For more information, see the post at...
Pope Benedict signs decrees for the Causes of Saints
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Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday morning signed a decree recognizing the heroic virtues of Pope John Paul II, an important and necessary step on the path of beatification. Pope Pius XII was also recognized for his heroic virtues. The Pope acknowledged the martyrdom of the Polish priest Jerzy Popieluszko, who was killed in 1984 because of his religious and social work with the Solidarity trade union. Mary Ward, who lived in England in the seventeenth century was recognized for her heroic virture, and a miracle was recognized due to the intercession of Blessed Mary McKillop, the Australian woman who worked in education and with immigrants. This decree clears the way to her canonization.
O Antiphons ~ Root of Jesse
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Advent Meditation Today is the third of the O Antiphons . Christ the King, the Lord! Divine Wisdom, Adonai, the powerful God, is at the same time man with flesh and blood of the house of Jesse, the father of King David. Truly, the right of kingship has now passed from the house of David. The glory that once clothed the royal family has faded and withered, leaving only a blighted and withered root. But from this root is to spring a glorious blossom, the King of the world. "He shall rule from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth. Before Him the Ethiopians shall fall down and His enemies shall lick the ground. The kings of Tharsis and the islands shall offer presents: the kings of the Arabians and of Saba shall serve Him" (Ps. 71:8-11). To Him God has said, "Thou art My Son. . . . I will give Thee the Gentiles for Thy inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for Thy possession" (Ps. 2:7 f.).
Your prayers and kudos are needed for Senator Nelson
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You can't help but admire Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) -- he is a politician with integrity. Please pray for and send kudos by email to Democrat Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson as he ALONE is fighting to prevent government -funded abortion in the Senate health reform bill, being rushed--sight unseen--to a vote. The supposed accommodation the Senate majority leader designed for Nelson's approval is not acceptable to National Right to Life. The House version prevents abortion funding under the Stupak-Pitts amendment, supported by 3 dozen pro-life Democrats but in the Senate, Nelson has his finger in the dike, so to speak. Please use the following address to email U.S. Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE)showing your support for his efforts to keep government-funded abortion out of the health care bill: email-issues.cfm For the latest update on Senate Ben Nelson and the Healthcare Reform Bill read: Ben Nelson’s Long Day Continues – No Deal Yet at Fox News....
Reminder: Only 2 More Days Left to Vote for Catholic Fire and Catholics Against Obamacare
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I received this email from Katie Walker at American Life League today: Dear Pro-Life Blog Award Nominees, The 2010 Pro-Life Blog Awards are down to the wire with just two more voting days left. Several of you are neck in neck for Best Overall. Please vote for my blogs Catholic Fire and Catholics Against Obamacare (a group blog) today. Just click the in the icon above to vote for both blogs. Thank you! God bless you!
Benedict XVI to declare John Paul II venerable at the Vatican
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Holy Father to light 6 ton tree in St. Peter's Square
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Excerpted from CNA article: The tree that was brought to us from the "dark and shadowy" forest is now in the light and covered in decorations like "many marvelous fruits," Benedict remarked. "Leaving behind its somber robe for a sparkling radiance. It has been transformed." "It becomes the carrier of a light that is no longer its own but bears witness to the true Light that comes to the world," said the Pontiff, likening the tree to the shepherds at the birth of Christ.
Catholic League erects nativity scene in Central Park
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To all those who are out to abolish Christmas, take notice: the Catholic League has a nativity scene on public property in New York City. Way to go, Bill! The Catholic League erected a nativity scene on December 17 in New York City’s Central Park; it will be up for two weeks. Bill Donohue seeks to clarify what is at stake: Our life-size crèche, paid for by the Catholic League, is right in the heart of New York City; it is on the corner of 59th and 5th. Behind it stands the world’s largest menorah. That is how it should be: Christians and Jews should not be excluded from accessing land that is a public forum to display their religious symbols. There is much confusion about this issue. The courts have made it clear that the display of religious symbols in a municipal building, or on a courthouse lawn, must be accompanied by secular symbols. But if the property is a public forum, a place where musicians, artists and others gather at various times of the year, then t...
Warming - Souls: Catholic diocese of Wichita will house homeless men as part of inter-denominational program
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The Catholic Advance reports: The weather outside – like the song says – may be frightful but volunteers from Catholic parishes and Interfaith Ministries are making sure the homeless have a delightful place to sleep this winter from Feb. 15 through March 7. Dan Weyant, interim director of the Respect Life and Social Justice Office for the Diocese of Wichita, said the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and other churches in the downtown Wichita area are providing shelter this winter for the homeless men as part of the city- wide interdenominational Warming Souls program. “There are more homeless than can be placed in the current shelters,” he said, “so the Diocese of Wichita is going to house these individuals for three weeks. Other denominations within the city have been taking their turns doing this since the first of October.” Weyant is estimating that 110 to 130 men will seek shelter in the Cathedral gymnasium, depending upon how bad the weather is. Homeless women and child...
Venerable John Paul II: The Record Breaking Pope
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John Paul II is without a doubt the pope who has broken the most records in the Church's history. First, his pontificate is on the longest on record. He was the head of the Catholic Church for 26 years: only Pius IX and Saint Peters pontificates lasted longer than John Paul II. Then he is also the most travelled pope. He left the Vatican more than 1,500 times for official trips. He visited 129 countries and travelled more than 1 million kilometers. Thats like going around the globe 30 times. If you a sum up the time he was on trips, you could say he lived outside of Rome for more than 2 ½ years. He also held huge summits in both big cities and small islands with less than 100 inhabitants. The powerful, needy, the healthy and the sick, the young and, old all paid close attention to Pope John Paul II.
Pro-life Activist Lila Rose Attacked by Planned Parenthood Escort
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At approximately 11:50am on Thursday, December 17th, 2009, Live Action President Lila Rose was struck by a male uniformed Planned Parenthood escort. The attack occurred on a public sidewalk outside a Planned Parenthood affiliate located at 1691 The Alameda in San Jose, California. Lila Rose was visiting the abortion clinic with a group of about 20 students and three adults to pray and provide information to women who might be open to abortion alternatives. According to a police report filed at the scene, supported by several witnesses, the following interaction took place between Miss Rose and the uniformed Planned Parenthood escort: Rose, from the public sidewalk: "Sir, are you familiar with the abortion procedure?" Escort approaches Rose rapidly from Planned Parenthood parking lot, says, "You idiot. You've caused so much trouble. You piece of crap." Rose offers to show Escort a picture: "Can I show you a picture of what it really does...
Minister: Obamacare kills African-American babies
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Charges president has become 'the face of black genocide in America today' A black minister who founded a website called charges the Obama administration's health care reform legislation is designed to increase the number of abortions in the African-American community. "It's sinister, but President Obama has become the face of black genocide in America today," said Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr. , senior pastor of the New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, N.J. According to Childress, about 35 percent of the nearly 4,500 abortions performed each day in the U.S. are on African-Americans, even though African-Americans are only about 13.5 percent of the population. Childress said 52 percent of all African-American pregnancies end in abortion, and three out of every five African-American women will obtain an abortion. He estimated 16 million African-American babies have been aborted since the passage of Wade v. Roe in 1973. Read...
O Antiphons ~ O Lord and Ruler
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Advent meditation Today is the second of the O Antiphons, O Adonai (O Almighty God). As Moses approached the burning bush, so we approach the divine Savior in the form of a child in the crib, or in the form of the consecrated host, and falling down we adore Him. "Put off the shoes from thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground . . . I am who am." "Come with an outstretched arm to redeem us." This is the cry of the Church for the second coming of Christ on the last day. The return of the Savior brings us plentiful redemption.
O Antiphons ~ Wisdom
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Advent Meditation December 17 marks the beginning of the O Antiphons , the seven jewels of our liturgy, dating back to the fourth century, one for each day until Christmas Eve. These antiphons address Christ with seven magnificent Messianic titles, based on the Old Testament prophecies and types of Christ. The Church recalls the variety of the ills of man before the coming of the Redeemer.
Abortion Attempt Survivor Speaks Out Against the Intergenerational Impact of Abortion
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Melissa Ohden's 19 month old daughter, Olivia, was not supposed to have a chance at life because of abortion. Not because Melissa ever considered aborting her, but because Melissa, herself, was aborted at approximately 24 weeks of gestation and survived. Abortion attempt survivors, in and of themselves, are rare in our society. Having an abortion attempt survivor become a mother, herself, and speak out against the intergenerational impact of abortion, is certainly even more of a rarity. But by all appearances, Melissa is up for the challenge that faces her in her ministry. "It's my calling," states Melissa. "This is who I am; I wouldn't change a thing." Although adoption was an intrinsic part of her family and life, Melissa didn't learn that she was the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion attempt until she was in the 8th grade. Finding out the painful reality of how she entered the world truly changed her life and the lives of all of...
"Who Shall Live" The Bob Casey Legacy
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Sen. Bob Casey was a courageous co-sponsor of the Nelson amendment, but now is looking to abandon his pro-life principles with a vote for pro-abortion health care reform. Now is not the time to play politics with the lives of the unborn. Tell Senator Casey—one attempt to protect children and their mothers is, simply put, just not good enough. Urge Sen. Casey to follow the unyielding pro-life leadership of his father, former Governor Bob Casey, and honor the consciences of pro-life Americans. Keep taxpayer funded abortion out of health care reform! ~ Via Susan B. Anthony List
Reminder: Please Remember to Vote for Catholic Fire and Catholics Against Obamacare
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Catholic Fire has been nominated for this year's News and Reporting and Pro-Life Whistleblower Award. From Dec. 14-20 a popular vote will be held to select the winner in each of these categories. All nominees are also automatically eligible for Best Overall Pro-Life Blog (as determined by maximum number of votes). The process for voting has changed quite a bit this year to a popular vote. Pro-Life Blog Award Voting Now Open! Please Cast your vote for Catholic Fire now! Catholics Against Obamacare has also been nominated for an award. It has been nominated for Pro-Life Instigator Award for Activism . Please vote for this new pro-life blog, which has urged its readers to become pro-active in the health care reform battle. Please Cast your vote for Catholics Against Obamacare now! Thank you for your nominations and for your votes! God bless you!
Reminder: Christmas Novena
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Today is the day to start your Christmas novena: (Begin on December 16th) Recite the following prayer every day for 9 days.. Divine Infant, after the wonders of Your birth in Bethlehem, You wished to extend Your infinite mercy to the whole world by calling the Wise Men by heavenly inspiration to Your crib, which was in this way changed into a royal throne. You graciously received those holy men who were obedient to the divine call and hastened to Your feet. They recognized and worshipped You as Prince of Peace, the Redeemer of mankind, and the very Son of God. Show us also Your goodness and almighty power. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, and inflame our hearts to know You, to serve You, and to love You in this life, that we may merit to find our joy in You eternally in the life to come. Jesus, most powerful Child, I implore You again to help me: (State your intention here...) Divine Child, great omnipotent God, I implore through Your most H...
Pope Benedict XVI: Reason should recognize the importance of human dignity
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Pope Benedict XVI recalled that the main function of reason is to recognize the principal ethical principals tied to the dignity of a person. He also said that liberty makes sense when one decides to respect them. John of Salisbury was the thread for his catechesis. Excerpted from Pope Benedict's Wednesday catechesis: "The question of the relationship between natural law and positive law, as mediated by equity, is still of great importance. Indeed, in our own time, and especially in certain countries, we are witnessing a disquieting fracture between reason, which has the task of discovering the ethical values associated with human dignity, and freedom, which has the responsibility of accepting and promoting those values. "Perhaps, John of Salisbury would remind us today that the only 'equitable' laws are those that defend the sacredness of human life and reject the legitimacy of abortion, euthanasia and unrestrained genetic experimentation; the la...
Saint of the Day: St. Adelaide of Brugundy, patron of brides, step-parents, in-law problems
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St. Adelaide was a marvel of grace and beauty, according to her spiritual director and biographer, St. Odilon of Cluny. She was born a princess in 1931 and was to became not only the Queen of Italy, but the Empress of Italy. More importantly, this woman of grace lived a holy life, which wasn't an easy endeavor, given her circumstances in life, and was later canonized a saint. The daughter of King Rupert II of Burgundy, France, at age 16, she married Lothar of Italy, who eventually became king of Italy. She was widowed in 950 while still a teenager. Lothair was thought to be poisoned by his successor to the throne, Berengarius. As part of his attempt to solidify his grip on power, Berengarius ordered Adelaide to marry his son; she refused, and was imprisoned. It is believed that a priest came and dug a tunnel to where she was being kept and helped her escape. She remained hidden in the woods until the Duke of Canossa, who had found out about her escape, came and carried her to...
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