Showing posts from January, 2010
St John Bosco (1815 - 1888)
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Today the Church commemorates the life of St. John Bosco, priest and patron of youth. He was born in Piedmont, Italy of a peasant family, and he was brought up by his widowed mother. He became a priest, and his particular concern was for the young. He settled in Turin, where, as in so many cities in the 19th century, the industrial revolution was bringing enormous movements of population and consequent social problems, especially for the young men who came there to work. John Bosco devoted himself to the care of the young, first of all by means of evening classes, to which hundreds came, and then by setting up a boarding-house for apprentices, and then workshops for their training and education. Despite many difficulties, caused both by the anti-clerical civil authorities and by the opposition of some senior people within the Church, his enterprise grew, and by 1868 over 800 boys and young men were under his care. To ensure the continuation of his work, he founded a congregation, whi...
The Scott Roeder case: The real story on violence needs to be told
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Most of you have heard the not so surprising news of Scott Roeder's conviction by now. While I am pleased that abortions are no longer being performed in Wichita, what Roeder did was wrong and totally opposed to what pro-lifers uphold. The immoral act of murdering George Tiller was evil and was not the goal of the pro-life movement, but the act of one sick individual with very distorted perceptions. Why isn't the mainstream media reporting on the violent acts of murder that take place everyday in this country? Why aren't the violent acts against pro-lifers being reported? Why aren't the horrific after-efects of abortion to the mother, the father, the family, and to our society being shared with the public? Fr. Frank Pavone, Director of Priests for Life, sums up my beliefs and concerns in the following statement: "Violence is antithetical to the pro-life movement," said Fr. Pavone, " which is why Priests for Life is part of the vast chorus of pro-lif...
Country singer's pro-life song
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Debuting on the country charts at #55 in October 2009 , newcomer (although in his 40s) country singer Matt Kennon's song, The Call , is hopefully still gaining traction. In December Roughstrock named The Call one of the best singles of 2009, describing it as "powerful and proud". Read more a t Jill Stanek's blog.
Saint Martina
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Today's saint is St. Martina , third century virgin and martyr, who is the patron of nursing mothers and Rome, Italy. Martina, a noble virgin of Rome , was the daughter of a Consul. Having lost her parents when quite a child, and being exceedingly fervent in the practice of the Christian religion, she was singularly charitable to the poor, and distributed among them her immense riches. During the reign of Alexander Severus, she was ordered to worship the false gods, but most courageously refused to commit so detestable a crime. Where upon she was several times scourged; her flesh was torn with iron hooks and nails, and with potsherds, and her whole body was cut with most sharp swords; she was scalded with boiling oil, and was at length condemned to be devoured by wild beasts in the amphitheater; but being miraculously left untouched by them, she was thrown on a burning pile, from which she also escaped unhurt, by the same divine power. Some of the men that had inflicted these t...
Tim Tebow Vs. Gloria Allred
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Bill Donohue offers a good response to feminist attorney Gloria Allred 's objection to Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad: Gloria Allred is no stranger to the subject of abortion, so it is not surprising that she wants to kill this pro-life ad. Her letter to Les Moonves of CBS, available at , wants the ad pulled because it is allegedly guilty of “misleading advertising.” Allred, who has not seen the ad, charges that when Tebow’s mother was being advised by doctors in the Philippines to consider an abortion (she was on antibiotics for a pregnancy illness), it was illegal there to have one. In a monumental stretch, Allred reasons that the ad should disclose this information, otherwise it is “misleading.” What is really misleading is Allred’s duplicity . Several years ago, she represented Amber Frey in a case related to the death of Laci Peterson; Peterson’s husband, Scott, was convicted of murdering both...
RIP: Professor Ralph McInerny (1929-2010)
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I met him once ( at the Catholic Writers Conference held at FUS - Steubenville in September 2002) , but will never forget him. Via CNS: The well-loved Notre Dame professor and scholar Ralph McInerny passed away Friday morning at 7:45 a.m... First Things editor Joseph Bottum reported McInerny's death in an article on the magazine's website on Friday afternoon. In his article, Bottum reprinted a letter sent to him on Friday by Associate Professor Christopher Kaczor at Loyola Marymount who was one of McInerny's students. Prof. Kaczor describes the late academic's life accomplishments as well as his personal relationship with him. Ralph McInerny had retired from the philosophy department at the University of Notre Dame as the Michael P. Grace Professor of Medieval Studies after serving in that position since 1955, said Prof. Kaczor. “He wrote wrote more than 40 books in philosophy and other disciplines (including poetry), authored thousands of scholarly and gene...
Top Stories This Week on Catholic Fire
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Petition launched to support the Tebow pro-life ad Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's prophecies on the Laity in the 21st Century Congressman Chris Smith calls for prayer and fasting to end abortion The Near Occasion of Sin Saint Gildas the Wise Deal Hudson: Personhood and Politics Personhood expands to three new states Fr. Frank Pavone comments on attempts to block Tebow ad 12-year-old homeschooler releases pro-life song, video Gays and Abortion (Video) St. Thomas Aquinas, "Angelic Doctor" The truth about the 2010 March for Life US bishops: Enact genuine health reform, oppose current language on abortion, conscience protection Pope John Paul II: Why He is a Saint The 2010 March for Life in Pictures The American Life League Training and Activism Week and Personhood Conference (Photos) Pope Benedict denounces the horror of the holocaust ; hopes that the memory will arouse greater respect for the dignity of each person Sain...
Petition launched to support the Tebow pro-life ad
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I have posted about the Tim Tebow pro-life ad controversy here and here. Now there is a petition available to support CBS' decision to air the ad. Via Christian Newswire: Dr. Kevin Roberts, executive director of the Catholic grassroots advocacy group, Catholic Families for America (CFA) , announced his organization's sponsorship of a nationwide petition drive in support of CBS' decision to air the pro-life advertisement featuring Tim Tebow during the Super Bowl. "It doesn't take long for the pro-abortion crowd to mobilize their members," Roberts said, "so those of us on the pro-life, pro-family side need to be sure we do the same." Roberts continued by describing how his organization would rally its members and those of similar groups to attract several thousand signatories. The petition can be accessed at Catholic Families for America is a nationwide grassroots organization run by lay Catholics,...
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's prophecies on the Laity in the 21st Century
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Congressman Chris Smith calls for prayer and fasting to end abortion
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At the "March for Life," Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) said that President Obama is "obsessed with promoting abortion," and that Americans "need to fast" and "to pray for Obama." <img src="" style="height: 364px; width: 450px; " class="BLOGGER-object-element tr_noresize tr_placeholder" id="BLOGGER_object_4" data-original-id="BLOGGER_object_4" /> For more information: Congressman Smith Blasts Abortion-“Obsessed” Obama – Calls for Prayer and Fasting
Saint Gildas the Wise
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Today's saint is Saint Gildas the Wise , a sixth century British monk. Gildas, surnamed “the Wise,” was born in Scotland around the year 516 to a noble family. He was educated under St. Iltus in Wales and was a companion of St. Samson and St. Peter of Leon. He was drawn to the monastic life and moved to Ireland to pursue such a life. While in Ireland he was ordained to the priesthood. He apparently spent some time in Armagh and north Britain. King Ainmire invited him to return to Ireland where he built monasteries and churches and greatly inspired others by his teaching. He is compared to David and Cadoc by the Irish annalists in his giving a special Mass to the second order of Irish saints. There are recordings of a pilgrimage he made to Rome. On his return, he decided to spend time alone and retired to the Isle of Houat, off Brittany, where he lived in solitude praying and studying. When it was discovered that he was there, he was asked to establis...
Personhood expands to three new states
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Personhood has expanded into three new states , including Iowa, Virginia, and Kansas. Beginning on January 13, Virginia introduced HB 112, a bill to guarantee the constitutional rights of preborn children. Shortly after, Iowa introduced HJR 2003 proposing a joint resolution for an amendment including a right to life for all men and women, irrespective of age. The same day, Kansas introduced a personhood amendment to the revisor's office. "A two-thirds majority of both legislative houses is needed to pass the amendment and that can be a rather challenging endeavor, so it is of the utmost importance that Kansans voice their desire to see this measure passed," explained Keith Ashley, Personhood Kansas petition organizer. Although attempting Personhood through several different avenues, all three call for a recognition of rights for preborn babies from the moment of their biological beginning. "Personhood is a revolution of the pro-life movement," stated K...
Fr. Frank Pavone comments on attempts to block Tebow ad
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Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, commented today on the efforts of pro-abortion groups to keep CBS from broadcasting a Focus on the Family ad featuring quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother during the Super Bowl. "Why should it bother people who call themselves pro-choice if women watch Pam Tebow and her son Tim on Super Bowl Sunday and freely decide to choose life? Would fewer abortions be a bad thing?" asks Fr. Pavone. " As for the argument that the ad should not be shown because it is divisive, since when do we broadcast only things on which the American people all agree? In that case, the Super Bowl itself could not be broadcast." Related post: Pro-life leaders respond to the controversial Tebow Super Bowl ad
12-year-old homeschooler releases pro-life song, video
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Twelve-year-old Emma MacDonald and her family know a few things about abortion. Last year, Emma wrote the music and lyrics to a song about how abortion has touched her mother and their family. Emma's mother Jennifer is an abortion survivor. Jennifer explains, "My mom got pregnant with me when she was 18. Unmarried, still in high school, and alone she tried to abort me, but in 1967 abortion was still illegal. The 'procedure' didn't work and she was supposed to return the next week to try again. Being raised Catholic, she 'got the guilts' and didn't return. But for God's grace, I would have been thrown out with the trash. "Some might say that my early life circumstances were a textbook case for abortion. Thankfully, God had other plans. Despite those many painful years, my adult life is filled with joy and meaning. My five children are alive today because God's grace spared their mother." When asked how she came to write her song,...
St. Thomas Aquinas, "Angelic Doctor"
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The Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas (1471) Benozzo Gonzolli Louvre Museum, Paris, France Saint Thomas Aquinas was a 13th century Dominican priest, philosopher, and theologian. As a Doctor of the Church, he has been given the title "Angelic Doctor" and is the patron of Catholic universities and schools. St. Thomas ranks among the greatest writers and theologians of all time. His most important work, the Summa Theologiae, an explanation and summary of the entire body of Catholic teaching, has been standard for centuries, even to our own day. St. Thomas reflected the Dominican ideal. He was a true contemplative who shared the fruits of contemplation with others. Born of a noble family in southern Italy, Thomas was educated by the Benedictines. He was a superior student and surpassed his classmates in learning as well as in the practice of virtue. When he became old enough to choose his state of life, Thomas renounced the things of this world and chose to enter the Order...
The truth about the 2010 March for Life
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At the 2010 March for Life the media set new standards for journalistic fraud. In its lead photo, CNN showed five pro-abortion picketers, all that could be found, and ignored the 300,000 pro-life marchers. CNN's Rick Sanchez wondered out loud which group dominated. Newsweek claimed that most participants were in their 60's when, in fact, most were under 25. This video sets the record straight.
US bishops: Enact genuine health reform, oppose current language on abortion, conscience protection
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The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is urging members of Congress to “come together and recommit themselves to enact genuine health care reform that will protect the life, dignity, consciences and health of all.” “The health care debate, with all its political and ideological conflict, seems to have lost its central moral focus and policy priority, which is to ensure that affordable, quality, life-giving care is available to all,” the bishops write. “Now is not the time to abandon this task, but rather to set aside partisan divisions and special interest pressures to find ways to enact genuine reform.” “The U.S. Catholic bishops continue to urge the House and Senate to adopt legislation that ensures access to quality, affordable, life giving health care for all; retains longstanding requirements that federal funds not be used for elective abortions or plans that include them, and effectively protects conscience rights; and, protects the access to health care that immi...
Pope John Paul II: Why He is a Saint
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A new book on the life of Pope John Paul II confirms that the late Pontiff sometimes beat himself with a small belt, practicing “the discipline” that is a traditional form of mortification. He also sometimes slept on a bare floor, according to the book by Msgr. Slawomir Oder, the postulator for his cause of beatification. “It is clear the aspect of penitence was present in the life of John Paul II,” Msgr. Oder said at a press conference announcing the publication of his work. The new book, entitled Why He Is a Saint , also confirms that the late Pontiff prepared a letter of resignation, to take effect if he became unable to carry out his responsibilities. The book reveals that in 1981, Vatican officials were aware of plans by the leftists Red Brigades to kidnap the Pontiff. When he was shot in St. Peter’s Square by Mehmet Ali Agca, Msgr. Oder reports, Pope John Paul thought at first that the assassination attempt was connected with the Red Brigade plot. ~ Via Catholic World New...
The 2010 March for Life in Pictures
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The mainstream media has basically ignored the 2010 March for Life, which isn't surprising. Channel surfing, I watched CNN's brief news broadcast on the March, which was so unbelievably biased, I wondered if they were even at the March or if they concocted their distorted story from their imagination. There were 300,000+ people at the March for Life. The crowd moved at a snail's pace, the street was so thick with people. People of all ages and races chanted, sang, prayed, clung to one another, and exchanged personal information. No one shoved or pushed, but peacefully protested the horrible mass killing of our children that resulted from the deranged 1973 Roe V. Wade decision -- a decision that the people of this country never had a voice in -- it was forced upon us. But now we speak out for those people who are victims in this holocaust -- the innocent voiceless infants who are mercilessly murdered daily. We speak out for the mothers and fathers who have been devastate...
The American Life League Training and Activism Week and Personhood Conference (Photos)
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Rev. Clenard Childress, Founder of spoke on the topic of Black Genocide -- what a powerful speaker! Jill Stanek presented the 2010 Pro-Life Blog Awards. Here she presents the Pro-Life Whistleblower award to George Offerman, Pro-Life Defender . Jill presented me with the Best Overall Pro-Life Blog award for Catholic Fire. Alveda King accepted the Pro-Life Unity Award for Fr. Frank's Blog . Earlier in the afternoon, she also gave a wonderful talk on Personhood and the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Troy Newmann of Operation Rescue accepted the Pro-Life Instigator Award for Activism for Operation Rescue. Deal Hudson gave an enlightening and enthralling talk on Personhood and Catholic Social Teaching. This conference was truly an amazing experience! I wish I had taken more photos -- especially of the American Life League staff -- who are wonderful people. I am so thankful to them for all the work that they did for this conference, which wa...
Pope Benedict denounces the horror of the holocaust ; hopes that the memory will arouse greater respect for the dignity of each person
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Sixty-five years after the horrific tragedy of the holocaust in Nazi Germany, the Holy Father recalled how the gates of the Nazi concentration camps near the Polish city of Oswiecim, better known by its German name of Auschwitz, were opened and the remaining survivors were freed. "Today we celebrate 'Holocaust Remembrance Day', the Pope said, "to recall all the victims of those crimes, and especially the planned annihilation of the Jews, and to honor those who, at the risk of their own lives, protected the persecuted and sought to oppose the murderous insanity. Deeply moved, our thoughts go to the countless victims of that blind racial and religious hatred, who suffered deportation, imprisonment and death in those abhorrent and inhuman places." "May the memory of those events", he concluded, "and in particular the drama of the Shoah which struck the Jewish people, arouse ever greater respect for the dignity of each person , so that ...
Saint Angela Merici
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Today is the optional memorial of St. Angela Merici, the foundress of the Ursulines . Angela was born on March 21, 1474 at Desenzano, Lake Garda, Italy and died on January 27, 1540 in Brescia. Angela’s parents died when she was only ten years old. Together, with her older sister, she moved to the nearby town of Salo, to live with her uncle. When her sister died quite suddenly without receiving the last sacraments, Angela was deeply upset. At the age of 15, she became a Franciscan tertiary and greatly increased her prayers and sacrifices for the repose of her sister's soul. She asked God to reveal to her the condition of her deceased sister and He answered her prayer by showing her through a vision that her sister was in Heaven. When her uncle died, she returned to live at Desenzano to make a life for herself. She was convinced of the need for women to be educated in their faith and converted her home into a school where she daily gathered all the girls of Desenzano and taught...
Pro-life leaders respond to the controversial Tebow Super Bowl ad
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Focus on the Family announced earlier this month that they would broadcast their first Super Bowl spot during the upcoming game on February 7 during CBS Sports' coverage of the game at Dolphin Stadium in South Florida. The 30-second ad will feature Tim Tebow, a former quarterback with the University of Florida's Gators and 2007 winner of the Heisman Trophy, along with his mother Pam. Though Focus on the Family gave little detail about the commercial, it is has been suggested that the story will include how Tebow’s mother refused to have an abortion while she was pregnant with him despite having suffered from a life-threatening infection. Now, pro-abortion feminist groups are complaining about the Tebow ad without ever having seen it and they are urging CBS to scrap the ad. Via the Washington Post: After learning of the ad late Monday, Women's Media Center (speaking on behalf of the N ational O rganization for W omen, the Feminist Majority Foundation and other or...
Blatant pro-Planned Parenthood bias in Catholic college’s research guides
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Students at a Catholic college in Minnesota who are conducting research on contraception and sex education are steered to the web sites of Planned Parenthood and other blatantly biased sites, according to the college’s web site. Students at St. Catherine’s College who are researching insurance coverage of contraception are directed to the web sites of the Center for Reproductive Rights, Cover My Pills, the National Organization for Women, and Planned Parenthood. They are not directed to any pro-life or Catholic sites that discuss the abortifacient nature of many contraceptives or that offer other principled objections to insurance coverage. Likewise, students at St. Catherine’s College who are researching sex education in the schools are not directed to any Catholic, pro-life, or pro-family resources on the topic, but are instead directed to the web sites of Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), and other sites...
Abortion groups attack faith-based charities providing support to pregnant women
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Amidst budget shortfalls and a busy legislative session, lobby groups for abortion clinics have stirred up a perfect storm for state legislators. NARAL Pro-Choice Washington and Planned Parenthood are pushing for new legislation that would place a "gag order" on faith-based charities providing free support to pregnant women. With support from a half million Washingtonians across the state, more than 45 pregnancy resource centers and medical clinics say this legislation would regulate their organizations out of existence, eliminating approximately $15 million worth of free services (annually) to women facing unplanned pregnancies. In addition, the Attorney General's Office has estimated the bill will cost Washington taxpayers more than a half million over the next four years. The bill "Concerning Limited Service Pregnancy Centers" (HB 2837/SB 6452) will be heard in the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee on Wednesday, January 27 at 8:00 A.M. Paula Cul...
Personhood Kansas Launches Campaign to Amend Constitution, Recognize Human Rights
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A new Kansas pro-life organization, Personhood Kansas , is seeking to partner with Christian and pro-life leaders, activists, and volunteers to form a statewide, grassroots coalition. The group was created for a single purpose—to conduct a campaign which results in the amending of the Kansas Constitution so that every child of God is protected by love and by law. Similar groups have sprung up in several states after a ballot measure to amend Colorado’s constitution was defeated on Election Day 2008. “The effectiveness of the personhood coalition in Colorado has really been the inspiration. They were the first to demonstrate how close we are to recognizing the personhood of the preborn,” said Keith Ashley, Personhood Kansas Petition Drive Coordinator. Personhood Kansas has advised the drafting of language that would recognize the right to personhood for all human beings from the biological beginning of human development. “Basic biology explains that human life begins at the momen...
Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops
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Memorial of Sts. Timothy and Titus St. Paul was so influential and attractive a personality that he was able to draw such different types of men as Timothy and Titus and to make them his collaborators. Timothy and Titus were converted to Christianity by St Paul, and became his companions and helpers. They were were two of the most beloved and trusted disciples of St. Paul, whom they accompanied in many of his journeys. Paul made both men bishops and entrusted Timothy with the care of the Christians in Ephesus, and sent Titus to Crete to look after the Christians there. He wrote them “pastoral” epistles, giving advice for pastors and people alike. Timothy was St. Paul's confidant. St. Timothy has been regarded by some as the "angel of the church of Ephesus", Rev 2:1-17. Titus was the negotiator, the one St. Paul sent to clear up misunderstandings, reconcile differences, and the one who would organize a new Church. He received a letter from St. Paul which encoura...
Miracle Accomplished
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Dear readers, Some of you may have wondered where I have been for the past week. A few weeks ago, I made a request for prayer and donations for my trip to Washington, D.C. to participate in: the American Life League's pro-life blog awards, their Training and Activism Week and Personhood Conference, and the 2010 March for Life. Yes, the miracle we prayed for through the intercession of St. Joseph and Our Lady of Good Remedy did indeed happen! Praise the Lord! Thank you all for your prayers and for your very generous donations. God is so good! I am thanking Him for each one of you and asking Him to bless you abundantly. God bless you! Jean
Registration for Free Catholic Writers Conference Online Ends Feb 15
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Are you a Catholic writer? Looking for an opportunity to learn more about writing and marketing, a chance to meet like-minded authors, and get an opportunity to pitch your work? Want it all for free—and without leaving your home? The Catholic Writers' Conference Online, which will be held February 26-March 5, 2010, is for you. Hurry, though—registration ends Feb 15. The conference is held via chats and forums at writersconferenc Sponsored by the Catholic Writer's Guild, the online conference is free of charge and open to writers of all levels who register before February 15, 2010. "Each year, we have about 300 writers and around 50 presenters participate, " said organizer Karina Fabian. "This year, we're thrilled to have added small-group critique sessions with well-established authors and editors, plus more pitch sessions than ever before!" Publishers hearing pitches include well known Catholic publish...
Thousands Protest Planned Parenthood in Houston
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Via Steven Ertlet: Thousands of pro-life advocates joined together to protest the massive new abortion business in Houston, Texas that appears to be the largest abortion facility of its kind in the nation. This six-story Planned Parenthood abortion "super center" is located in the middle of four minority neighborhoods. The pro-life advocates -- representing people of all races -- decried Planned Parenthood for relocating to a former bank building next to three predominantly Hispanic and one African-American neighborhood. Local pro-life advocates said they didn't want a giant abortion business in their backyard. From The Houston Chronicle: Thousands of people from across the country are protesting at anti-abortion rally this morning near the site of a large Planned Parenthood facility on the Gulf Freeway in Houston. The protesters are gathering for a prayer march targeting the facility which they describe as an "abortion supercenter." More info...
Poor President! Pro-lifer heckles Obama at Coakley rally
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Yesterday Obama was holding a rally for Democrat pro-abort MA Senate candidate Martha Coakley , and a pro-life protester interrupted him and began heckling him. Obama attempts to respond and loses control of the crowd. He came out to campaign for Coakley, whom he desperately needs in office to pass his healthcare reform bill. This video really lifted my spirits as did the reports from other bloggers that Brown is way ahead of Coakley in the polls . For more information on this election, check out Thomas Peter's post Coakley, Brown, Massachusetts, Catholics, and why this all matters. H/T: Jill Stanek
Fr. Frank Pavone: Dr. King's work continues in "three marvelous convergences"
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Fr. Frank Pavone describes how the week of January 18-25 brings together three powerful and related events, which result in "three marvelous convergences": the dream of Dr Martin Luther King Jr., continuing to be fulfilled through the work of the pro-life movement, and Christians uniting in this effort.
Family Research Council to host blogs for life
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Family Research Council announced today that they will hosting the fifth annual Blogs for Life , a conference for pro-life bloggers and online social media activists. Blogs for Life will take place on Jan. 22, which is also the day of the 27th annual March for Life in Washington D.C. Tens of thousands of pro-life supporters are expected to take part in the march protesting abortion. According to the FRC, Blogs for Life is a networking event and an opportunity for pro-life supporters to grow in knowledge of how to best utilize the internet to strategically promote the pro-life cause. The conference will include prominent pro-life speakers including FRC president Tony Perkins , Jill Stanek , Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List, and Dr. Charmaine Yoest. Speakers at Blogs for Life are scheduled to discuss opportunities for increasing pro-life support, especially in light of recent polls showing that a growing majority of Americans are identifying themselves as...
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