
Showing posts from January, 2013

Benedict XVI call to prayer in February for migrants, victims of armed conflict

January 31, 2013. ( The Vatican released the Pope's prayer intentions for the month of February, focusing on migrant families, as well as people living under armed conflict. For the general prayer intentions, Benedict XVI asks to pray for the migrants families, but especially for the mothers, to help get them through difficult situations. For the missionary intentions, the Pope called for prayer for all the peoples living in war zones or armed conflict, to aid them in becoming agents for peace.

Republican Party Backs De-Funding Planned Parenthood

The Republican Party is now officially on record as supporting the de-funding of the taxpayer-supported Planned Parenthood abortion business. On Friday, top GOP officials at the RNC approved a measure supporting efforts to revoke its taxpayer funding. As longtime pro-life and Republican attorney Jim Bopp informed LifeNews, the The Republican National Committee passed a resolution to end “any and all” taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s biggest abortion company, and to send money to legitimate women’s health care efforts instead. Read more.

Boy Scouts of America Needs to Hear from You!

Via Liberty Alert: We need your help to call the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) board members and tell them that boys should not be pawns in adult sexual controversies. Scouts should be allowed to participate in healthy, wholesome activities without fear of predation or moral confusion. On Monday, the BSA Board of Directors will hold an annual meeting to discuss whether to change the policy and allow homosexual Scouts and Scoutmasters. “People like Jerry Sandusky should not be permitted to be Scoutmasters. To allow homosexual Scoutmasters or homosexual Scouts will put young boys at risk . The mere thought is ridiculous,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. It is imperative that you call the board members and kindly urge them to stand true to the Scout oath being “physically strong” against social pressure, “mentally awake” against political correctness, and “morally straight” with the best interest of boys in mind. The Boy Scouts are an icon throughout A

Editorial: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are Not Human Rights

By Austin Ruse WASHINGTON DC, February 1 (C-FAM) Policy makers around the world are regularly informed by seemingly authoritative sources that "sexual orientation and gender identity" are new categories of non-discrimination in international law. What this means is that national and international laws have to change to accept the idea that homosexuality and its various permutations including transvestitism cannot be discriminated against in any way. Read More

Changes in abortion language, laws seen as pro-life progress

Dr. Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life (CNA/EWTN News).- Amid changing abortion rhetoric and significant legislative advances, a group of legal experts in the nation’s capital said that they are confident in the future of the pro-life movement. “In this epic struggle,” said Dr. Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life, “my money’s on the baby.” Hosting a Jan. 24 symposium in Washington, D.C., Yoest and other speakers discussed changes in rhetoric surrounding the abortion debate, as well as growing legislative efforts in the 40 years since the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision established a “right” to abortion nationwide. Much of the discussion focused on changes to tactics used by abortion advocates over the years. Yoest explained that while pro-life advocates have been consistent in delivering a message of “defending life,” the abortion movement has changed the way it framed its arguments numerous times. In the 1970s, she s

St. John Bosco, priest and patron of youth

Today, January 31, the Church celebrates the life of St. John Bosco, priest and patron of youth. He was born in Piedmont, Italy of a peasant family, and he was brought up by his widowed mother. John became a priest, and his particular concern was for the young. He settled in Turin, where, as in so many cities in the 19th century, the industrial revolution was bringing enormous movements of population and consequent social problems, especially for the young men who came there to work. John Bosco devoted himself to the care of the young, first of all by means of evening classes, to which hundreds came, and then by setting up a boarding-house for apprentices, and then workshops for their training and education. Despite many difficulties, caused both by the anti-clerical civil authorities and by the opposition of some senior people within the Church, his enterprise grew, and by 1868 over 800 boys and young men were under his care. To ensure the continuation of his work, he founded

Redemptive Suffering


Some US bishops ready to defy HHS mandate, risk jail

Archbishop-elect Alexander Sample speaks with John-Henry Westen, LifeSiteNews' editor-in-chief In interviews with LifeSite News , three American Catholic bishops said that they were prepared to go to jail rather than accept implementation of the contraceptive mandate in the Obama administration’s health-care reform policy. Bishop Alexander Sample of Marquette, Michigan (recently named to become Archbishop of Portland, Oregon); Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh; and Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver said that they would risk prison rather than accept the terms of the Obama mandate. When he was asked the same question, Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, DC, declined to give a direct response. Saying that he still hoped for an agreement with the Obama administration that would defuse the conflict, the cardinal said: “We take this one day at a time, and I'm hopeful that we're going to be able to resolve this.” Source

Vatican Apostolic Library uploads 256 digitized manuscripts

January 30, 2013. ( Texts, letters and manuscripts previously available only to experts with access to the Vatican's Library are now just a click away. The 256 documents are the first to be made available to anyone, simply by logging on to the website of the Vatican Apostolic Library. But the project is much more ambitious. MONS. CESARE PASINI Prefect, Vatican Apostolic Library (Nov. 24, 2011) “It will be all of the manuscripts. To be more precise, all of the manuscripts that are conserved within the manuscript deposit in the Library. There are about 80,000.” The project started in late 2011, and employs the use of technology from NASA to digitize the documents. But, it will take years. Once finished, the files will use up approximately 4.5 million gigabytes in the Vatican Library's external hard-drive.

Pope's General Audience: Why we call God, Father

January 30, 2013. ( During Wednesday's general audience, Benedict XVI reflected on why God is called 'Father.' The Pope explained that the Gospel uses the term to reflect on the generosity, forgiveness and mercy of a parent. The Pope also added that when parents find themselves having trouble caring and raising their children, they too, can seek the example of God, the Father, to overcome these challenges. FULL CATECHESIS IN ENGLISH: Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our continuing catechesis during this Year of Faith, we now reflect on the Creed’s description of God as “the Father Almighty”.  Despite the crisis of fatherhood in many societies, the Scriptures show us clearly what it means to call God “Father”. God is infinitely generous, faithful, and forgiving; he so loves the world that he has given us his only Son for our salvation. As “the image of the invisible God” (Col 1:15), Jesus reveals God as a merciful Father who never abandons his chi

St. Hyacintha Mariscotti

The saint of the day for January 30th is St. Hyacintha Mariscotti (1585-1640), a religious of the Third Order of St. Francis and foundress of the Sacconi, also known as the Oblates of Mary. Born of a wealthy, noble family near Viterbo, Italy, Hyacintha was pious in her early youth, but, as she grew older became frivolous, vain, and proud of her rank. When her younger sister married the man she desired as her spouse, she became disappointed and depressed. She sought refuge from her sorrows in a Franciscan convent. However, when she entered the convent, she refused to give up the luxuries of the world, but instead arrived at the convent with her own personal servants and chef. She came with a full supply of food, wore garments of the finest materials, and demanded a full suite of rooms, which she decorated lavishly. She received both male and female visitors at her pleasure. Thus, she lived a very worldly and luxurious life amid those who had pledged themselves to lives of poverty

Portland's new Catholic archbishop sees unchurched state as a challenge

The next Catholic archbishop of Portland comes with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and the relatively youthful perspective of a person born in 1960. At 52,  the youngest prelate to be named an archbishop in the United States, the Most Rev. Alexander K. Sample  says he's ready for the challenge of an unchurched state. At a press conference Tuesday, Sample, who has been bishop of Marquette, Mich.,  for seven  years, said some people see Oregon as a tough place to be Catholic. "I see it as fertile ground to plant the seeds of a new evangelization," he said. The facts that Catholics account for about 14 percent of Oregonians and that almost 24  percent of the state's population don't identify as members of a particular church don't discourage him. "I want to connect those who are longing in their hearts for spirituality with the one whom I believe is an answer to that longing, Jesus Christ." Sample also promised to speak out on moral issue

Law professor says pro-life views must lead to cultural action

Jan 29, 2013  (CNA/EWTN News).- Americans who wish to be truly pro-life must be willing to examine the philosophical and cultural implications of these views, said George Mason University law professor Helen Alvaré. Being involved in the pro-life movement, she said, “will lead you places where you’ll be surprised to go, because abortion is not a single issue.” Alvaré delivered the keynote address at the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life on Jan. 26, explaining to participants that if they want to “keep the integrity” of their positions, they must be willing to take action on social and philosophical issues connected to abortion. Hosted annually at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., the Cardinal O’Connor Conference for Life is the largest student-run pro-life conference in the United States. Alvaré, who was speaking at the conference for the third time since it began in 2000, told the 650 student participants that being pro-life may lead them to investigate the mode

National Catholic Bible Conference 2013

You can register for the conference here.

World Day of Sick: The economic crisis calls us to be Good Samaritans

January 29, 2013. ( On Tuesday, the Vatican issued the Pope´s message for World Day of the Sick, which will take place this year on February 11, 2013 at the Marian Shrine of Altotting in Bavaria. Through his message, Benedict XVI encourages people to become a Good Samaritan, citing Jesus as the ultimate example of a person who helps total strangers and asks nothing in return. The prsident of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers, says being a Good Samaritan is more important now than ever, given the current economic instability. MSGR. ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI President, Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers  “Volunteering is also very important in many countries, especially today with the crisis. We can't finance everything for everybody, but we can offer ourselves to others. This, I think, is the definition of being a Good Samaritan. That message of 'go and do likewise.'” This year´s event will take place in the Pope&

Liberty Counsel defends traditional marriage in U.S. Supreme Court

Today, Liberty Counsel is filing two amicus briefs with the United States Supreme Court on two marriage cases, the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) ( U.S. v. Windsor) and California’s Proposition 8 ( Hollingsworth v. Perry), a state marriage amendment. The High Court will decide both cases by the end of the term in June 2013. America’s very existence is at stake.  Marriage is not simply an artifact of law to regulate Social Security benefits, but an institution of God to procreate and nurture perpetual generations. The natural family is fundamental to our very existence. Thriving societies need healthy children who grow up into responsible citizens. Healthy children require committed parents who will sacrifice their own desires for the well-being of their children. This is all created within the context of natural marriage between one man and one woman. Please pray that the Supreme Court defends the natural definition of marriage during this pivotal point in America's

Gospel Reflection: Who are my Mother and Brothers?


St. Gildas the Wise

The saint of the day for January 29 is Saint Gildas the Wise , a sixth century British monk. Gildas, surnamed “the Wise,” was born in Scotland around the year 516 to a noble family. He was educated under St. Iltus in Wales and was a companion of St. Samson and St. Peter of Leon. He was drawn to the monastic life and moved to Ireland to pursue such a life. While in Ireland he was ordained to the priesthood. He apparently spent some time in Armagh and north Britain. King Ainmire invited him to return to Ireland where he built monasteries and churches and greatly inspired others by his teaching. He is compared to David and Cadoc by the Irish annalists in his giving a special Mass to the second order of Irish saints. There are recordings of a pilgrimage he made to Rome. On his return, he decided to spend time alone and retired to the Isle of Houat, off Brittany, where he lived in solitude praying and studying. When it was discovered that he was there, he was asked to establish a

Pope presses importance of faith in the strength of marriage during speech to Roman Rota

January 28, 2013. ( Benedict XVI met with the members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, the highest appellate court for the Catholic Church. During his speech, he addressed the Year of Faith by talking about the relationship between faith and marriage. The Pope explained that the strength of a family is very closely tied to faith.   BENEDICT XVI “The current crisis of faith that affects various areas of the world, bearing with it a crisis of conjugal society, with all the suffering and discomfort that this bring upon the children.” The Pope explained that the lack of faith does not prevent a marriage from becoming valid, because the Church only requires that the union between husband and wife meets the traits of a “natural marriage.” Those traits are that it lasts for a lifetime, that it be open to life, and that they the good in each other. However, he also talked about the risks of having those traits of natural marriage severed by what he described as the

Pope marks Holocaust Remembrance, describes it as 'constant reminder'

January 28, 2013. ( The Pope released a couple of doves on Sunday's Angelus as a sign of peace, as he also marked the Holocaust Remembrance Day. Thousands of people gathered at St. Peter's Square to hear him honor the estimated six million victims killed during the Nazi era. BENEDICT XVI “The memory of this immense tragedy, which above all struck so harshly the Jewish people, must represent for everyone a constant warning so that the horrors of the past are not repeated, all forms of hatred and racism overcome and respect and dignity of the human person promoted." Soon after his remarks on the Holocaust, the Pope also released two doves as a sing of peace. During the Angelus, Benedict XVI also talked about the importance of keeping Sunday as a day devoted to family and to the worship of God. He says prayer and worship allows people a direct link to God and allows them to nourish their faith, and learn how to apply His teachings to every day life.

Book Review: Angela's Song

Angela’s Song Author: AnnMarie Creedon Full Quiver Publishing Paperback: 270 pages Angela’s Song by AnnMarie Creedon is a beautiful and captivating love story set in modern day times in a small town in Missouri.  It is the story of Angela (Jel) Cooke, a pretty Italian-American widow and mother of three, who is lonely, despite her active schedule. In fact, she keeps herself overly involved in her church ministries to avoid dealing with the fact that her marriage was damaged and her husband, Devin, died before it could be repaired. When she meets Jack, the professor of a theology class she is taking, her pain is transparent to him and he challenges her to deal with it. Although Jel is attracted to Jack, she is hardly ready to become involved in a new relationship.  What follows is the touching, often amusing tale of how Angela heals and becomes whole again – able to love herself and others. Once I began reading this novel, I found it hard to put down. Creedon captured my atte

St. Thomas Aquinas

Today is the feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, a 13th century Dominican priest, philosopher, and theologian. As a Doctor of the Church, he has been given the title "Angelic Doctor" and is the patron of Catholic universities and schools. St. Thomas ranks among the greatest writers and theologians of all time. His most important work, the Summa Theologiae, an explanation and summary of the entire body of Catholic teaching, has been standard for centuries, even to our own day. St. Thomas reflected the Dominican ideal. He was a true contemplative who shared the fruits of contemplation with others. Born of a noble family in southern Italy, Thomas was educated by the Benedictines. He was a superior student and surpassed his classmates in learning as well as in the practice of virtue. When he became old enough to choose his state of life, Thomas renounced the things of this world and chose to enter the Order of St. Dominic in spite of the opposition of his family, who had expec

Amazing Video: March for Life 2013 in Washington, D.C.


Sts. Timothy and Titus

Today, January 26, is the memorial of Sts. Timothy and Titus. St. Paul was so influential and attractive a personality that he was able to draw such different types of men as Timothy and Titus and to make them his collaborators. Timothy and Titus were converted to Christianity by St Paul, and became his companions and helpers. They were were two of the most beloved and trusted disciples of St. Paul, whom they accompanied in many of his journeys. Paul made both men bishops and entrusted Timothy with the care of the Christians in Ephesus, and sent Titus to Crete to look after the Christians there. He wrote them “pastoral” epistles, giving advice for pastors and people alike. Timothy was St. Paul's confidant. St. Timothy has been regarded by some as the "angel of the church of Ephesus", Rev 2:1-17. Titus was the negotiator, the one St. Paul sent to clear up misunderstandings, reconcile differences, and the one who would organize a new Church. He received a letter

Hundreds of thousands join record-breaking U.S. March for Life

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 25, 2013, ( – Huddled under winter coats and hats and scarves, hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists gathered on the Mall in Washington D.C. this morning to send a clear message to politicians in the Capitol, and the whole country: 40 years is too long, abortion must end! But despite the frigid January temperatures, the crowd, made up largely of teens and young adults, was boisterous, with many groups chanting pro-life slogans and singing hymns as they walked. This year's March marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, since which an estimated 55 million babies have been killed by abortion in America. While accurate estimates of the number of attendees at the march are hard to come by, organizers had said in the days leading up to the event that all signs pointed to a record-breaking crowd. Hotels in the D.C area sold out far in advance of when they normally do, and organizers installed two jumbotrons just to ensure that all

Ask Fr. Barron: What to say to Catholics who struggle with Church teaching?


St. Paul's Conversion and My Own Conversion Story

Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul , which gives us occasion to reflect on our own faith journey and our own conversion experiences. How do we relate to Paul’s conversion story? St. Paul's Conversion Paul was the most ferocious enemy of the Church, who as a zealous Jew and Pharisee was persecuting Christians during the first century. Paul rooted out Christians in the synagogues, taking them into Jerusalem in chains to have them persecuted. In fact, he even assisted in the stoning of St. Stephen, the first martyr. Then, suddenly, without warning, as he is traveling on the road to Damascus, he hears the voice of God speaking to Him, is blinded by a bright light, and is knocked off his horse. While Paul was an intellectual, a learned Rabbi, a great theologian, his conversion experience was hardly an intellectual one. He was not converted by reason, by an acceptance of Christian ideas, nor was he swayed over by Christian apologetics, but his was

New social network aimed at Catholics launched

January 24, 2013. ( In addition to Facebook and MySpace, there are a myriad of social networks tailored to each person's preferences. You can find one for motorcycle enthusiasts, dog lovers, and even for those looking for homes abroad. So it's no surprise that among the list of niche sites is one aimed at Catholics. It's called Awestruck and, thanks in part to a very original publicity campaign, it now boasts thousands of members worldwide. NORMAN SERVAIS Creative Director, Awestruck  “Catholics who want to connect with each other in a new way. Catholics who enjoy the idea of having something similar to Facebook which doesn't have advertising, which has content that's tailored for the Catholic community.” The site's authors describe it as a sort of Facebook for Catholics. But you won't find offensive content here. However, that doesn't mean creativity is lacking. NORMAN SERVAIS Creative Director, Awestruck “We thought let

March for Life is somber, energetic


Beloved: The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia

The love that God has for the soul is like that which the bridegroom has for his bride. In the heart of the "Bible Belt" in Tennessee, the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia have fully embraced that love in the living of their vows and apostolic life for 150 years. Like their patron, the virgin martyr Cecilia, the Nashville Dominicans promise their heart to Christ and it is His voice that fills their ears and secures their promise to be His alone. This joyful, holy community radiates their love for Christ and neighbor, revealing in this compelling film what it means to live the consecrated life as both a contemplative and a teacher. They manifest to the world that religious life is all about love and joy, but a love that is different and unique. It is a love that is eternal.

Europeans Launch Initiative To Defund Abortion

NEW YORK, January 25 (C-FAM) A European court victory for environmentalists has inspired a continent-wide campaign to end European Union funding of embryo-destructive research and abortion. The "One of Us" campaign launched this month by leaders in twenty European countries calls for the European Union to stop funding efforts that destroy pre-born life, including groups that perform abortions in developing countries. It follows a European Court of Justice ruling in 2011, in a lawsuit brought by Greenpeace, that human life begins at conception and deserves legal protection. Read More

St. Francis de Sales

St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), a Swiss theologian and the patron saint of writers has long been my mentor and model, and one of my most powerful intercessors. As a theologian and writer, I look to him for guidance and for assistance in my work. His unique methods of evangelization have also greatly inspired me. At the age of thirteen, Francis studied theology at the University of Paris and immediately afterword earned a doctorate in law. However, he felt called to the priesthood and was ordained and during the time of the Protestant Reformation. The Catholic Church at this time was losing many of its parishioners to the new churches of the Protestant Reformation and Francis set out to restore Catholicism to the area around Lake Geneva known as Chablais. For three years, he trudged through the countryside, his feet frozen and bleeding, as he trampled through the snow. No one would listen to him, so he wrote out his sermons, copying them by hand in the form of leaflets, and p

Making Love with the Devil

This is how the pro-aborts celebrate the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. They celebrate the "tearing apart" of  babies with champagne. Notice how often the celebrity in the video below uses the word "baby" and how focused he is on his own selfish pleasure. Just like the devil, he makes abortion -- the murder of a pre-born baby -- sound so attractive by focusing on the sensual. If people were, instead, shown the truth about abortion, their stomachs would turn and they would flee in terror. Abortion is evil and painful and the pro-abortionists are extremely deceptive, just like the devil. Get Leticia's take on this video here.

Topeka Kansas March for Life

Pro-lifers  marked the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision on Tuesday with workshops, prayers and calls for the reversal of the landmark decision which legalizes the murder of the unborn. Republican Governor Sam Brownback spoke to the crowd, encouraging them in their efforts to end abortion. “There’s joy in what you’re doing, and keep it up,” Brownback urged hundreds of abortion opponents at a rally outside the Kansas Statehouse. “Keep marching. Keep moving.” Below is a slideshow of the events, starting with Mass, which took place yesterday.

Pope's Catechesis focuses on first part of Creed: 'I believe in God'

January 23, 2013. ( How do we live out our faith? To address that question, Benedict XVI explained that believing in God means allowing faith to “shape our thoughts and actions in accordance with God’s saving word.” The Pope cited Abraham as an example because he allowed his faith in God to lead him into the unknown. He adds that by opening up to God, people are also opening up themselves to others. FULL TEXT OF THE CATECHESIS IN ENGLISH: "Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our catechesis for this Year of Faith, we now turn to the Creed, the solemn profession of our faith as Christians.  At the beginning of the Creed, we say “I believe in God”.  Faith is our response to the God who first speaks to us, makes himself known and calls us to enter into communion with him. We hear God speaking to us in the Scriptures, which recount the history of his revelation, culminating in the coming of his Son, Jesus Christ.  A central figure in this history of revelation is A

Swiss Guard celebrates 507 years at the Vatican

January 23, 2013. ( This is how 507 years ago, a group of 110 Swiss men arrived at the Vatican, marching along the steady beat of a drum. Back then Pope Julius II asked the Swiss Confederation for a group of soldiers who could defend him from his enemies. With time, this protective body soon became known as the Swiss Guard.   URS BREITENMOSSER Pontifical Swiss Guard “Today in particular, we celebrate the establishment of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, which took place on January 22, 1506.” To honor this anniversary, the Swiss Guard celebrated with a Mass, led by the Pope's master of ceremonies. There was also a military parade, that mirrored the very moment when the first guards made their way to the Vatican. URS BREITENMOSSER Pontifical Swiss Guard “In that time, the Swiss were mercenaries, well known for their service, which they carried out with loyalty and courage. Even today, we seek to perform our service the best way we can.” The loyalty they have

St. Vincent of Saragossa

Today is the feast of St.Vincent of Saragossa , deacon and martyr. St. Vincent of Saragossa was one of the Church's three most illustrious deacons, the other two being Stephen and Lawrence. He is also Spain's most renowned martyr. Ordained deacon by Bishop Valerius of Saragossa, he was taken in chains to Valencia during the Diocletian persecution and put to death. From legend we have the following details of his martyrdom. After brutal scourging in the presence of many witnesses, he was stretched on the rack; but neither torture nor blandishments nor threats could undermine the strength and courage of his faith. Next, he was cast on a heated grating, lacerated with iron hooks, and seared with hot metal plates. Then he was returned to prison, where the floor was heavily strewn with pieces of broken glass. A heavenly brightness flooded the entire dungeon, filling all who saw it with greatest awe. After this he was placed on a soft bed in the hope that lenient treatm

40th Anniversary of Roe v Wade

Thank you, John Francis Bora!

Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

January 22 is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the day established by the Church of penance for abortion, has been formally named as the “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.” In all the Dioceses of the United States of America, January 22 is to be observed as a particular day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion. Today is the fortieth anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. The horror of a single human life being deliberately taking is compounded by the sanction of such an act by the government and so many of its politicians (many of whom assert that they are Catholics). The bishops of our nation have asked all Catholics to fast and do extra penance today as a small reparation for the millions of abortions committed in our country, and for the legal approval of these actions. Those who oppos

Justice Scalia wears replica of martyr's hat to inaguration

What do you think: does he resemble St. Thomas More ?   Read article at First Things.

Life Crisis in Ireland - Please Pray for Ireland!


Pro-life Quote of the Day: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Cornel West: President Obama Doesn’t Deserve To Be Sworn In With MLK’s Bible

Dr. Cornel West says that President Barack Obama doesn’t deserve to be sworn in for his second term as President of the United States with his hand on the bible of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. You don’t play with Martin Luther King, Jr. and you don’t play with his people, said West. “By his people, I mean people of good conscience, fundamentally good people committed to peace and truth and justice, especially the Black tradition that produced it. “All of the blood, sweat and tears that went into producing a Martin Luther King, Jr. generated a brother of such high decency and dignity that you don’t use his prophetic fire for a moment of presidential pageantry without understanding the challenge he represents to all of those in power regardless of what color they are. “The righteous indignation of a Martin Luther King, Jr. becomes a moment of political calculation. And that makes my blood boil. Why? Because Martin Luther King, Jr died…he died…for the three crimes against humanity

TOMORROW: Ask Them What They Mean by "Choice"

Tomorrow, on Tuesday, January 22, in response to NARAL’s Blog for Choice Day, we will be participating in the third annual Ask Them What They Mean When They Say “Choice” Day. All online pro-lifers are invited to join in! This year, we are expanding beyond bloggers to the online pro-life community at large – you! Click to join the event on Facebook here. Get the entire scoop at Jill Stanek's blog . to Launch on 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Priests for Life will launch a new pro-life initiative tomorrow, Jan. 22, the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions.  is based on a basic principle of social reform as well as a basic Biblical exhortation. Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, explained: "The project is simple: At, I will share with you one quote a day that exposes the horror of abortion. It may be a quote from a past or current abortion provider, or a court case, or someone who has had an abortion, or some other source. These short quotes will open people's eyes, often make them gasp in horror, and enable them to awaken the consciences of their neighbors to what abortion really is. "The project is based on my conviction that a real debate on abortion hasn't even begun in our nation, because the two sides often talk past each other. Before discussing whether abortion is right or wrong

Pope selects American priest for rare St. Peter's job

For the first time in the 21st century, Pope Benedict XVI has made an American priest a canon of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. "You're the first of this century and the first of this millennium," said Cardinal Angelo Comastri during the Jan. 20 celebration for Monsignor Francis D. Kelly. "This is a celebration of fidelity, and fidelity is maintaining during the whole life the commitment pronounced in your youth," he added in St. Peter's Basilica, referring to Msgr. Kelly's priesthood of 50 years. Pope Benedict XVI announced his new role in an Oct. 20 decree, giving the 76-year-old the primary tasks of prayer and worship. A canon is a senior priest who is responsible for the celebration of the sacred liturgy at the Vatican basilica and for maintaining a prayerful presence in the place where St. Peter is buried. They lead the recitation of evening prayers and concelebrate Mass on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. as well as on major feast days. Full St

St. Agnes of Rome

The saint of the day for January 21 is St. Agnes . St. Agnes was born in Rome during the beginning of the third century. She was brought up as a Christian and grew to be a very beautiful young woman. By the age of twelve, Agnes was already receiving suitors for her hand in marriage. And already by the age of twelve, Agnes had developed a deep spirituality that directed her to devote her life to God as a consecrated virgin. Several of the suitors who Agnes turned away became bitter at her and turned her in to the authorities as a Christian. The political atmosphere at the time was very charged, and the Diocletian persecution was well under way. Agnes was arrested and thrown into a house of prostitution to await her death. All who came to look lustfully upon Agnes lost their sight, but many had their sight restored by her intercessory prayers. At last Agnes was sentenced to death. Her body was taken away and buried in a catacomb that later came to bear her name. Under the reign of

Ask Fr. Barron: What spiritual classic books should every Catholic read?


The life of St. Barbara hits the Big Screen

January 18, 2013. ( It's a life story that's meant to be shared. The life of St. Barbara is hitting the big screen. Famous Italian producer Lux Vide, who has experience with these types of films, is leading the project. As far as the characters, Barbara will be played by actress Vanessa Hessler. The famous saint came from a noble Roman family. Her mother died when she was a girl, so she was raised by her father, the governor of the Empire. Despite her pagan education and upbringing, her life changed when she saw how badly Christians were treated. But the key moment that triggered her conversion, came when her best friend, Giuliana was murdered. Giuliana was a slave and before being killed she talked about why she converted to Christianity. The eventual saint, also finds out that her own mother, before dying embraced Christianity. So Barbara decides to take a leap of faith. But her conversion would cost her her life. The film is part of an Italian pr

Priest publishes book on apparition of angels to 'mystic' women

January 18, 2013. (  The book Angeli e Mistiche, or Angels and Mystics, profiles 61 women that claim to have clearly seen the intervention of Angels in their lives. FR. MARCELLO STANZIONE Author, Angeli e Mistiche  “They are 61 profiles of exceptional women, very different among them. There are noble women, common women, educated women and ignorant, laywomen, nuns. But they have something in common in their lives, they choose Jesus Christ and had experiences with angels.” The women Marcello Stazione writes about in his book are saints, blessed women, and even martyrs, such as Saint Cecilia, whom according to tradition would pray along with her guardian angel. FR. MARCELLO STANZIONE Author, Angeli e Mistiche “We see how in the martyr's acts, the angels would come to console these women. I'm thinking of Cecilia and Agnes. The beautiful thing is that these women have changed the history of humanity within the Church. These are women that have founded r

BOOK REVIEW: Along the Way: Lessons for an Authentic Journey of Faith

By Randy Hain Publication Date: December 1, 2012 Liguori Publications, Liguori, Missouri 124 pages, Paperback  (Amazon). Reviewed by JEAN M. HEIMANN, freelance writer, wife and mother, M.A. in Theology, retired educator, psychologist, and oblate with the Community of St. John. In Along the Way , Randy Hain is our spiritual companion and guide as we walk on this journey of life. He leads us along the right paths and draws us closer to the Lord, sharing the secrets of holiness, cautioning us about the pitfalls along the way. In his usual honest, direct, and clear style, he presents practical ideas on how to integrate our spiritual lives into our everyday activities. He gives us simple, helpful techniques that we can use at home, at work, in our social life, and with our family. Hain begins Along the Way by sharing his beautiful conversion story and the powerful impact this had on all aspects of his life. Hain develops his discussion, presenting us with a number of

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