Catholic Carnival 213 is up!

This week's Carnival is being hosted by Mary at Broken Alabaster and it includes lots of great posts accompanied by a Medley of 7 Lenten Hymns. What a fantastic job she's done there!

Here's a sampling of posts you'll find there:

Ebeth at the book-loving, A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars Blog, offers a Lenten Reflection called, "Boldly Believe," where she asks one of life's most central questions: Where would I be without my faith in God?

Sarah, of just another day of Catholic pondering, shares her way of Revving up for the Lenten Journey which includes suggested reading -the Popes Lenten message - and the three prongs of Lent: fasting, prayers, and alms giving.

Evann of Homeschool Goodies encourages her readers, in Witness for life, to consider getting involved in 40 days for Life this Lent - a very powerful thing to do.

My posts there cover Obama's nomination of Governor Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services, the repercussions of this appointment, and what we as Catholics need to do about it, which you can find HERE and HERE. Both include updates and resource links to other posts and articles.

Christine of A Catholic View also posts on the same topic, pointing out the irony of a pro-abort being in charge of "health and human services," in a post entitled: Pro-abortion Kansas governor accepts position as health and human services secretary.

But don't stop here, be sure to visit Mary's blog and read at the other great posts there, while meditating on the beautiful Lenten hymns she has selected for our listening pleasure.


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