Pro-Life News

Take Action on Plan B

The week before Christmas, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) committee recommended that the FDA approve the "morning-after pill" for over-the-counter sale. The pill prevents or terminates pregnancy after unprotected sex, which means it sometimes causes abortion. It also facilitates the cover-up of sex crimes and has unknown health effects on women and girls. Foolishly, this committee wants the FDA to allow stores to sell the pill right off the shelf like aspirin and candy bars.

Let's make our voices heard at FDA. E-mail or write a letter to FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan and give him the following reasons to oppose the over-the-counter sale of "Plan B," the morning-after pill:

1.. The FDA does not know if Plan B is safe for long-term or repeat use. The committee could produce no studies showing that the pill is safe for women.
2.. The FDA does not know if Plan B is safe for young girls. When asked if they could cite studies where the pill had been tested on adolescents, the committee had to answer "No."
3.. Birth control pills must be prescribed by doctors or other health care professionals because women sometimes have health abnormalities that could cause an adverse reaction to the pill. Plan B is a strong dose of birth control pill. It doesn't make sense to sell a higher dose of a potentially harmful drug without the oversight of a doctor.
4.. Making Plan B available at convenience and grocery stores would be a welcome tool for sexual predators who molest family members, students, or children of friends, as well as for adult "boyfriends" who commit statutory rape. Without the oversight of a medical professional, sexual predators will keep their crimes under the radar and continue victimizing girls.
5.. Tell Commissioner McClellan that you are outraged that FDA would even consider stocking this drug on shelves after their own advisory committee gave such a shabby report. The FDA is THE governing body for keeping Americans safe from dangerous substances and foods. We deserve better than a group of doctors who show no concern for women's health.
Address Your Letter To:

Commissioner Mark McClellan
U. S. Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville MD 20857-0001
1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332)

FDA Website

Sample Letter:

Please do not permit over the counter sale of Plan B!

Dear Commissioner McClellan,

I am writing to express my grave concern over the FDA's consideration of "Plan B" for over-the-counter sale.

The FDA advisory committee does not know if Plan B is safe for women or young girls. When asked if they could cite studies where the pill had been tested on adolescents, the committee had to answer "No." Neither could they produce studies showing that the pill is safe for women over the long-term or with repeat use.

The pill also facilitates the cover-up of sex crimes. Making Plan B available at convenience and grocery stores would be a welcome tool for sexual predators who molest family members, students, or children of friends, as well as for adult "boyfriends" who commit statutory rape. Without the oversight of a medical professional, sexual predators will keep their crimes under the radar and continue victimizing girls.

In addition, Plan B is a strong dose of birth control pill, and those must be prescribed by doctors or other health professionals in order to protect women from potentially adverse effects. It doesn't make sense to sell a higher dose of a potentially harmful drug without the oversight of a doctor.

Finally, the pill sometimes terminates pregnancy, therefore can be considered an abortifacient in some cases. The FDA would be overriding parental consent laws in some states by facilitating the purchase of the pill unbeknownst to parents.

I am distressed that the FDA would even consider stocking this drug on shelves after their own advisory committee gave such a shabby report. The FDA's purpose is to keep Americans safe from dangerous substances and foods. We deserve better than a group of doctors who show no concern for women's health.

Please do not permit the over-the-counter sale of Plan B.



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