Communication with Blogger Support

Since I am at the mercy of my limited techincal knowledge (I am self-taught on the computer and am technologically challenged), I am once again appealing to my readers for help. With no one young enough around here to assist me with high tech stuff (We are still trying to figure out VCR's here -- no kidding!) I have been relying on Blogger Support. In another month or so, I should be getting another (enigmatic) response to the questions and concerns I mention below.

In the meantime, if anyone out there has any answers to the questions or concerns I have here, please email me at (Please put a clear identifier in the subject of your email.) or comment here. I desperately need help. (Seriously!)

Dear Blogger Support,

I have been attempting to update my blog and add atom and RSS site feeds. However, there have been no changes to my blog although I did exactly what your instructions told me to do.

Do I need to pay money for this service? Is this considered a premium service? I have searched your site for information about this, but could find none. What do I need to do to be able to add this information to my site?

Also I want to add Post pages, but have had difficulty doing this following your instructions. Please tell in simple terms how to do this.

Why is that Javascript does not work properly on my blog? Is there anything I can do to change this?

Sometime ago I contacted you for help regarding the Navbar covering up the top of my blog and added style="margin-top:40px;" to the top element in my design,which resulted in completely covering up my blog name. Do you have any other suggestions on what I can do to remedy this? Do I need to delete other margin directives from my template? I have not done this and am wondering if this might resolve the problem.

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.



  1. The one thing that I can tell you is that you were successful in adding a RSS feed to your page because I am now able to add it to my Bloglines listing.

    You won't see anything different on your page from these feeds. It has to do with how they are published in various technologies to allow RSS (and other) feed readers to pick them up.

    Sorry I don't know about the other things but I'm so glad you did the feed because I have trouble remembering to check the pages that don't have one (yes, I'm spoiled). :-)


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