Delay Embryonic Stem Cell Vote

Alternative sources of stem cells have led some to call for a delay in the vote on federal legislation that would allow tax dollars to be used for research involving the destruction of human life.

Christian Coalition of America, among others, is urging Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to delay the Senate vote on the Castle-DeGette bill passed earlier this summer in the U.S. House of Representatives because of promising exciting breakthroughs in production of large amounts of embryonic like stem cells from umbilical cord blood.

"Now there is no reason for the Senate leadership to schedule a vote this year, or ever, on the bill forcing taxpayers to pay for the immoral destruction of human embryos, after the exciting announcement of promising cord blood research," said Roberta Combs, President of the Christian Coalition of America.

Dr. Randall Urban, an endocrinologist at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and researchers at Kingston University in England described in a report in the journal "Cell Proliferation" how they turned CBEs into human liver tissue. Such ability to replicate tissue, in a way, which does not destroy life, could lead to the development of ways to replace organs as well as treat life-threatening diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Source: Christian Coalition Press Release


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