The Birth Control Patch: Another Killer

A 14 year old has died from using the birth control patch. How could such a tragedy occur?

As Peter from mentions in his article, Her Life is Done, Ortho Evra makes birth control products which guarantee death and other life complications for women who take their products, yet they are allowed to continue selling them anyway.

I know someone within my extended family who was young, healthy, and energetic in her early twenties who used this patch; within a short period of time she developed a huge tumor located close to her heart as a result of using the patch and had to undergo major surgery to have it removed. She still has reduced strength in the arm and in the muscles on that side of her body and the surgery took place several years ago.

Just because a drug is legal and approved by the FDA does not mean it is safe to use. Many physicians prescribe drugs without explaining the dangers of using them or the adverse consequences to the patient -- physically, emotionally, or psychologically. We all need to be managers of our own health care and question our doctors and pharmacists, asking them to give us the complete truth about any medications prescribed. Over 5 million women are taking the patch -- a product which guarantees death and blood clots "at a higher rate than women taking the pill". In addition, it can cause an abortion. How many more babies and women will have to die before people open their eyes to the truth?


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