Conversing with Jesus

Today I am praying for...

1. the success of the March for Life in Washington, D.C. and for the safety of all those who are participating in it.

2. my brother, Michael, who works at the Ford plant in Chicago, for protection for his job, for his health, and for successful surgery and medical treatment of his job-related injuries.

3. my husband, Bill, for his health, his vocation, and special intentions.

4. the conversion of George Tiller and all abortionists.

5. the conversion of all our pro-death congressmen, especially for Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Dick Durbin, and Hillary Clinton.

6. the conversion of all our pro-death governors.

7. the conversion of Michael Schiavo.

8. respect for all human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

9. healing for all those who are suffering the horrific pain and wounds of abortion.

10. Christian Unity -- that all may be one.

11. a successful and safe pilgrimage for all those who will be traveling with me to Rome in February and for their good health.

12. a safe and smooth move to our new home, which will be taking place over the next month.

Please join me in praying for these intentions. If you have a special need or request, I would be happy to pray with you and for you.God reward you!


  1. thanks for reminding that Jesus would pray for all these nutcases, and love them as well....hard to do, but gotta do it..
    Bless you.

  2. You're welcome, Tom.

    God bless you,


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