Which Twentieth Century Pope Are You?

John Paul II
You are Pope John Paul II. You are a force to be
reckoned with.

Which Twentieth Century Pope Are You?
brought to you by quizilla.


  1. I'm also John Paul II. No problems with that!

  2. Man, I came back with being Pope St. Pius X. I'm not a Rad Trad at all, but I grew up in NH during the post V2 frenzy of guitar choirs and pop-psych hymns. I look back on it with a shiver, not living in Lincoln, Nebraska and practicing the faith under the auspices of Bp. Bruskewitz. Biiiiig difference.

    I no speakee no Latin, but I dig the connection when we do the Kyrie or Agnus Dei. I've even got the Vulgate on my Palm pilot along side the Douay translation, just to make sense of it.


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