
Showing posts from February, 2006

Fr. Marie - Dominique Philippe and the Community of St. Jean (John) -- Part I

Fr. Marie - Dominique Philippe I had seen photos of the founder of my Oblate Community -- the Community of St. John -- but I had never met him in person. When I journeyed to Rome on pilgrimage, I met this inspired man of God for the first time and realized how blessed how I am to be a part of the congregation which he founded 30 years ago. Born in 1912 in northern France, Father Marie - Dominique Philippe, was eighth in a family of twelve children. Seven children within his immediate family chose to enter the religious life. Encouraged by his uncle, Dominican Father Pierre Thomas Dehau, he entered the Order of Preachers in 1930 at the age of 18. He studied philosophy and theology at Saulchoir in Kain, Belgium, and was ordained to the priesthood on July 14, 1936, at the age of 24. Father Philippe was appointed Professor of theology at the Saulchoir at Etiolles, Paris, then later served as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Fribourg from 1945 - 1982. Several of Fr. Philippe...

US Supreme Court Gives Unanimous Victory to Pro-Life Protesters

Via Operation Rescue: Washington , DC - Feb 28 , 2006 The United States Supreme Court issued an unanimous ruling today finally clearing pro-life protesters of a 20-year old suit brought by NOW under the Federal Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) laws. Joseph Scheidler, a long- time pro-life activist from Chicago, took the lead in defending the case on behalf of over 20 defendants, including Operation Rescue. In an historic third trip to the nation’s highest court, Justice Stephen Breyer issued the unanimous opinion clearly stating that the case is over and that pro- lifers may not be sued under RICO. This decision also puts an end to a nationwide injunction against the protesters . “We are very excited to finally see this case put behind us once and for all,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “ This is a victory not only for pro-lifers, who can now exercise their First Amendment rights to speak out about abortion without fear of a RICO suit, but it is also a...

Entertainment for a Monday Afternoon

Take the quiz at To avoid unloading about 200 boxes I decided to take this quiz. It's good at avoiding other meaningful tasks, too. Enjoy! Via Northwestern Winds .

Which Star Trek Character Are You?

Kathryn Janeway. All your friends and those around you will be there at your side, just don't get too far away from them or they'll think you're in trouble. Which Star Trek Character Are You? Via Church of the Masses.

Back From Pilgrimage: Some Highlights

I am back from my pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, Siena, and Florence. We also completed the move to our new home this weekend. Praise the Lord for His many blessings and abundant graces! Thank you so much for all your prayers. The pilgrimage was challenging for me in many ways, but the sacrifices were well worth it. Here are just a few highlights of my trip: 1. The opportunity to personally meet and shake hands with Pope Benedict XVI. ( I was hoping to just be able to get a glimpse of him!) 2. The opportunity to meet with approximately 18oo fellow Oblates, Brothers, and Sisters from the Community of St. Jean (John) from all over the world in Rome to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its founding. 3. The opportunity to meet our 93 year old founder, Fr. Dominique Phillipe, O.P. -- to hear his words of inspiration and encouragement -- and to receive the Holy Eucharist from him. 4. Eucharistic Adoration at St. Peter's Basilica 5. Visiting the Catacombs. 6. Touring the Sistine Chapel, wh...

St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Also known as Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother; Gabriel Possenti; Francis Possenti; Francesco Possenti Francis Possenti was the eleventh of thirteen children born to Agnes and Sante, a well-to-do professional and respected Catholic family, in Assisi, Italy on March 1, 1838. He was baptized in the same font in which St. Francis of Assisi had been baptized. His later life would mirror that of Francis -- as he turned from the pleasures and excesses of this world to the glory of the next. Francis grew up in a household where devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows was a part of his everyday family life. He lived the life of a typical teenager, becoming popular for his warm and outgoing personality, his love of dancing, hunting and the theater. During a procession of an icon of the Mother of Sorrows, Francis heard Our Lady speak to him and tell him that he was not meant to live in the world, but God desired him to become a religious. On the night that his father had arranged for him to become engage...


Nine Years ago tomorrow, on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, I gave my heart to My Mother. February 11th is the day I consecrated myself to Mary. This year, it is the day I will begin a new spiritual journey -- I will make a pilgrimage to Rome and to various cities in Italy, including Siena and Assisi . I can hardly contain myself --I feel so much joy at the opportunity to grow in grace and to visit these holy places where my favorite saints once lived. I am also quite eager to see our new Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. What makes it even more special is the fact that while health problems and financial hardships prevented me from going on similar pilgrimages in the past, they are no longer obstacles in my path. So, I know that God is opening the door for me to take part in something very unique and special. The fact that this is to take place on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes tells me that my Mother played a large part in making this dream of mine a reality. I pray that I will ...


Our Blessed Mother appeared to a very poor young girl, Bernadette Soubirous, 18 times in 1858. On the feast of the Annunciation in 1858, Our Lady revealed to Bernadette, " I am the Immaculate Conception." Because the dogma of the Immaculate Conception had been officially proclaimed less than four years earlier, and Bernadette could not have even known of its existence, great credibility was given to Bernadette by the repetition of the Blessed Mother’s words. It was an affirmation from Heaven about the truth of the dogma. During one of these apparitions, when Bernadette was told by Mary to begin digging in the ground; she obediently did so, to the townspeople’s scorn. Water immediately began flowing from the spot where Bernadette dug, a tiny stream that has since has grown to the size of a small river. Thousands of healings have been reported as the result of people bathing in or drinking this miraculous water. The walls of the grotto where the Blessed Mother appeared are line...

Voting Begins for 2006 Catholic Blog Awards

Voting for Catholic Blogs begins today so go here and vote for your favorites. It ends on February 16.

St. Scholastica, Virgin

Today is the feast of St. Scholastica (480 - 543), the twin sister of St. Benedict and head of the monastery at Plombaria, under her brother's direction. The siblings were very close. They met once a year at a house near the Monte Cassino monastery to discuss spiritual matters. Saint Gregory tells the charming story of their last meeting. The saints had spent their time together in the mutual comfort of "heavenly talk" and with nightfall approaching, Benedict prepared to leave. Scholastica believed that it would be their last opportunity to see each other alive, so she asked Benedict to spend the evening in conversation. Benedict sternly refused because he did not wish to break his own rule by spending a night away from his monastery in Monte Cassino. Scholastica cried, laid her head upon the table, and prayed that God would intervene. As she did so, a sudden storm arose. There were brilliant flashes of lightning, a loud peal of thunder, and the rain and hail came in such...

Stanek WND column: "A Distant Thunder"

"A Distant Thunder" is a compelling new movie that combines supernatural chills with courtroom drama to expose the reality of partial-birth abortion. The film is very good, and it is also very important to the pro-life movement. The plot of "A Distant Thunder" centers on a nurse who has accused an abortionist of killing a baby he accidentally delivered alive while attempting a partial-birth abortion. "A Distant Thunder" was written and directed by an award-winning Hollywood producer and has been featured at two film festivals, where at one it won finalist for best short film. I wish I could tell you the shocking plot twist at the end of "A Distant Thunder," but doing so would be as mean as giving away the end to "The Sixth Sense" to those who haven't seen it. But I can tell you other aspects of the movie.... Continue reading my column, "A Distant Thunder," on Via Jill Stanek and Pro-life Blogs.


"God whispers in our pleasures but shouts in our pains. Pain is His megaphone to rouse a dulled world." ~ C.S. Lewis When Suffering Is Sweet "It has come to this, that I can no longer suffer because all suffering is sweet. Besides, it is a mistake to worry as to what trouble may be in store; it is like meddling with God's work. We who run in the way of love must never allow ourselves to be disturbed by anything.If I did not simply suffer from one moment to another, it would be impossible for me to be patient; but I look only at the present moment forget the past; and I take good care not to forestall the future. When we yield to discouragement or despair it is usually because we give too much thought to the past and to the future." ~ St. Therese of Lisieux "Thus to share in the sufferings of Christ is, at the same time, to suffer for the kingdom of God. In the eyes of the just God, before his judgement,Those who share in the sufferings of Christ become wort...

Fetal Pain Bills Advanced in 23 US States

A total of 23 US states have introduced fetal pain legislation – 19 in 2005, and four this year, which would require that abortionists disclose to women the reality that killing an unborn baby by abortion causes pain to the child. Arkansas, Georgia, Minnesota and Wisconsin have all passed the bills, although Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle vetoed the legislation last month. Doyle claimed that, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the bill failed “to reflect a consensus of medical opinion,” and “intrudes on the doctor-patient relationship in a heavy-handed manner.” What about the intrusion on the unborn child? You certainly aren't speaking up for the person whose life is at stake here! In your eyes that child doesn't count, I suppose, because he/she is not a registered voter, Governor Doyle. In Utah and Indiana, fetal pain laws have passed through the House and are en route to their Senates. This year, Arizona, Iowa, Missouri and Oklahoma all introduced similar ...

Pro-life Quote of the Day

"Abortion kills twice. It kills the body of the baby and it kills the conscience of the mother." Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers." ~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Holy Father Has Private Audience with Laura Bush

Pope Benedict today received US First Lady Laura Bush and told her that he was worried about terrorism around the world and violence sparked by the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. ''He talked to me about the worries of terrorism, the worries right now about the violence in Beirut, Damascus and other cities,'' she told reporters after the meeting the Pope. ''His hope and certainly our hope (is) for peace and tolerance for each of us, to treat everyone else with respect,'' she said. [Entire Story]

Conversing with Jesus

Today I am praising the Lord for ... the great gift of my Catholic faith and the wonderful opportunities He has been giving me to atone for my own sins and those of the whole world. my Catholic family who faithfully pray, support, and encourage me in all that I do. the upcoming pilgrimage to Rome with my Community. Today I am praying for... Rebecca Dussault , as she prepares to race in Cross Country Skiing in the Olympics this week. This is a huge moment for her as she seeks to race fast and give glory to God. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati is the patron of her journey. I am praying that the Lord grants her health and speed, peace of mind and strength of will to do the best she can. all those who are living in despair and for the healing of all those who have been brutally wounded and traumatized by the culture of death. the sick, the weak, the poor -- especially the spiritually poor -- that they will be drawn ever close to the heart of the Lord and trust in Him to provide for all their...

USA Today Biased in Reporting Abortion - Pain Legislation

Washington, DC ( -- National newspaper USA Today has been accused of bias in reporting on the rise in the number of bills in state legislatures to inform women about the pain abortion causes unborn children. Such bills are a way of helping the unborn baby by providing anesthesia and helping women avoid abortions. Leading experts on the issue of fetal pain say that it's a definite fact that unborn children, especially in later stages of pregnancy, feel intense pain during an abortion. However, USA Today only cited claims by pro-abortion Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle, who vetoed a fetal pain bill last month, that unborn children don't feel pain. The newspaper did not public any information from experts in the field who say fetal pain is conclusive or mention Congressional hearings validating the concept. [Entire Story] TAKE ACTION : Contact USA Today and urge the newspaper to report both sides of the issue and include information in future articles about doctors who verif...


A reader recently made this comment: "Basically my question is this: how is it possible for you to act so caring for the unborn, which are nothing more than a bundle of living cells, with no feelings nor consciousness that depends on its host body in order to continue to live?" First of all, the unborn baby is not just a bundle of cells, it is a living, growing human being; it is a human life with a soul; it is the magnificent creation of God. The baby growing in the mother's womb does not belong to the mother or the father-- it is a gift from God. It belongs to God. It is God's child -- created in His own likeness and image. Secondly, babies in the womb do indeed feel pain. Because they cannot verbalize that pain in words, they are the most vulnerable victims of violence in our society today. They are living in their mother's wombs -- which should be the safest place on earth for them. It should be a warm, comforting, nurturing environment where they feel complet...

Wichita Eagle has More to Say about Phil Kline and "Expert" Witness

Via Emily at After Abortion. Kansas attorney general Phil Kline has been seeking for several years to access the records of abortion clinics in Kansas in order to determine whether sexual crimes against minors have gone unreported. Today, the Wichita Eagle has a long article about Vince Rue , who has been called as an expert witness in the litigation surrounded Kline's request: Kline's consultant known for anti-abortion research. [More]


VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 2006 (VIS) - In Wednesday's General Audience, celebrated in the Paul VI Hall, Pope Benedict XVI commented on the second part of Psalm 144, "Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom." The psalmist focuses his attention, said the Holy Father, "on the love that the Lord reserves, in a special way, for the poor and weak. This Divine royalty is not arrogant or haughty, as can sometimes happen with the exercise of human power. God expresses His royalty by inclining before the most fragile and defenseless of creatures." "God is, above all else, a Father who sustains those who are about to fall and lifts back up again those who have fallen in the dust of humiliation. Living beings are directed therefore to the Lord, as hungry beggars, and as a loving Father He offers the necessary nourishment to live." [Entire Article]

Spiritual Quote for the Day

"Because I was small and weak, Jesus stooped down to me and in secret taught me the marvels of His love." ~ St. Therese of Lisieux

Conversing with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration

Today I am praying to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the following intentions: spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional healing for Francesco Jesus Alonso , an atheist, for his conversion, and for the salvation of his soul. I pray that he will come to know the goodness and beauty of God in his life, that Mother Mary will lead him to Jesus, and that he will embrace his Catholic family. Remove the scales from his spiritual eyes, Dear Mother, and let him forever gaze on the light of your glorious Son, Jesus. I pray that the Light of Love and Truth will fill his life, and he will be surrounded by the peace of His presence and the joy of His love. Mother, soften this hardened soul and let it melt with the fullness of the love that your crucified Son, Jesus, has given us through His Passion and death on the cross. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus, through the intercession of Our Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen. for all those who are living in despair and for the healing of all those who...

You, A Nun?

Check out this inspiring and uplifting vocational story by Sr. Imelda Marie of the Most Holy Eucharist, Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration.

Compendium of the Catechism to be made available March 31

The new Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church will be available starting March 31, says the U.S. bishops' conference. The 200-page synthesis of the 1992 Catechism will be published exclusively by USCCB Publishing, the publishing office of the episcopate. USCCB Publishing will launch the Compendium in English and Spanish at the 2006 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. The paperback version will be available first with the hardcover to follow shortly after. The Compendium consists of 598 questions and answers, echoing to some degree the format of the popular Baltimore Catechism which was a standard text in many Catholic parishes and schools from 1885 to the 1960s. Catholic Online has more information:

Last Published Letter of a Murdered Priest

Here is a translation of the last letter published by Father Andrea Santoro , in the magazine Window to the Middle East, which he founded in Italy. The 60-year-old priest was shot and killed Sunday while praying in his parish in Trabzon, Turkey. This line sticks with me when I refect on his life: "May our life be the wax that is consumed willingly."

Witness: Teen Girls Hurt Most By Sex

A child psychiatrist testifying for Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline told a federal judge that teenage girls' access to birth control pills should be limited but not boys' ability to buy condoms. But Allan Josephson of Louisville, Ky., also testified Monday that his expert opinion had been influenced by a private consultant for the state. The consultant, Vincent Rue, has received more than $150,000, Kline's office told The Wichita Eagle, to help defend the attorney general in a lawsuit entering its second week. Josephson's opinions included that sex causes more harm to girls than to boys and that, if a pregnancy results, abortion doesn't teach kids the lesson they need to learn. Full story... Via Pro-life Blogs.

Baby Killer Operating Under Inactive License

Wichita, KS – Operation Rescue photographers were on hand Tuesday when abortionist Ronald N. Yeomans arrived in Wichita for a day of child-killing at Central Women’s Services. These photographs document that Yeomans is currently aborting babies while his Kansas medical license is listed as “inactive”. As Yeomans stepped around his pickup to enter the shabby and neglected abortion mill, he glibly waved to the pro-lifers and snidely remarked, “Well, we’ve got a nice big greeting committee out today! Thank you for coming!” Yeomans replaced abortionist Sherman Zaremski, 76, who is currently unable to make the trip to Wichita from his home in Leawood, KS, because of health problems. Yeomans has a connection with Wichita’s better-known abortionist, George R. Tiller. Both are 1967 graduates of the University of Kansas School of Medicine. Tiller’s graduation photo appears on page 93 of the 1967 Jayhawkers MD Yearbook, and Yeomans’ photo is featured on page 94 . “While Yeomans’ medical license...


The Community of St John has organized an international pilgrimage to Rome to celebrate the Cty's 30th anniversary of existence (founded Dec 8, 1975), and to express our heartfelt support for our new Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI. There will be about 1500 Brothers, Sisters, Oblates and friends in attendance. We have organized a modest group of 40 pilgrims from the US. In addition to three days with the entire Community in Rome, our group will travel to Assisi, Siena and Florence. We/I shall carry you in my prayers as we visit many holy places and the tombs of many saints (one being the tombs of Sts Peter and Paul, and also that of our recently deceased Holy Father, the Servant of God Pope John Paul II). Should you wish to share any requests with me, please mention them in the comment section below and we/I will be happy to pray for these at daily Mass, during my Eucharistic Adoration time, and throughout the pilgrimage.

St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin

Bakhita was born in Eastern Sudan around 1869 and was captured by slave traders, who named her Bakhita, which means "lucky one". Bakhita came from a happy, loving tribal family, which consisted of her parents, three brothers, and four sisters. In comparison to other African tribal families, her family was well to do, as her uncle was the village chief and her father owned cattle and large plantations. When Bakhita was about nine years old, slave traders captured her. During the course of her life, she was sold five times before she received her freedom. She was subjected to many cruel tortures, some of which included whip lashing, which tore off her flesh, and being tattooed multiple times on her body via incisions with a razor and having salt rubbed into her womb. Despite the cruel treatments, she had no resentment or bitterness in her heart, but prayed for those who hurt her. When Bakhita’s fourth owner, Callisto (Legnani), an agent of the Italian Consul in Sudan, was recal...

Bishop Anthony Fisher warns against "chemical abortion"

Feb. 07 ( - Australian Bishop Anthony Fisher has warned a parliamentary panel that approval of the abortion drug RU-486 will not cut down on the number of surgical abortions performed in the country. Bishop Fisher, a Sydney auxiliary, argued: "Australians are deeply concerned that the abortion rate is already too high, and clearly this new treatment will not help to reduce abortion." He warned that the move to "chemical abortions" would have a powerful social impact. The bishop was testifying on a plan to remove the question of approving RU-486 from the authority of health minister Tony Abbott, a pro-life Catholic, and leave the decision in the hands of the Therapeutic Goods Administration, which supervises pharmaceuticals. Church leaders have argued that RU-486 cannot be considered an ordinary medication. Several years ago, I boycotted a "Christian" hospital in IL that was using RU-486 to abort babies. I stood outside with others and prayed th...

Doctors Urge Australia Parliament to Not Approve RU 486 Abortion Drug

A group of doctors in Australia has urged members of the nation's parliament to not approve the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug responsible for killing women worldwide and injuring countless thousands more. Meanwhile, a new poll shows a majority of Australians are opposed to abortion. Australians Against RU 486, an ad hoc group created to oppose the Thursday vote on the issue, released a letter from 86 doctors who said the risks associated with the pills is "unacceptable." "Given recent evidence in the United States, including the deaths of at least 11 women and a mortality rate 10 times that of surgical abortion, we believe that RU486 poses a significant medical risk to Australian women," the doctors said. The doctors who signed the letter work as GPs and obstetricians in rural and metropolitan practices across the nation. Meanwhile, a new survey shows a majority of Australians oppose abortions. Conducted by independent research company Market Facts on behalf ...

Conversing with Jesus

Today I am praying for... the repose of the soul Fr. Andrea Santoro , 60, of the diocese of Rome, a missionary in Turkey, who was killed on Sunday, February 5. I am also praying for his muderer(s) -- for their repentance, conversion, and the salvation of their souls. protection for all our priests spiritually, physically, and emotionally. all our Bishops that they be guided by the Holy Spirit with God's wisdom in their decision-making, that they unite their hearts and minds with the Holy See and receive the protection of Our Blessed Virgin Mary in all their actions. Pope Benedict XVI and all his special intentions. all in the pro-life movement that they may move forward with haste to that great day of victory. justice for Christin Alysabeth Gilbert, who died on January 13, 2005, from complications to third trimester abortion procured at Women's Health Care Services in Wichita, Kansas. I am also praying for the repose of her soul and for healing for her family. all women who hav...

Senate To Vote On Homosexual Marriage Ban In Early March

Help Send U.S. Senate One Million Letters Supporting Marriage Protection Amendment The U.S. Senate will vote on the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) in early March. This constitutional amendment will make marriage between one man and one woman the only legal marriage. Your help is needed in sending one million emails to the Senate in support of the MPA. Senators who vote against the MPA, or support a filibuster to avoid a vote on the MPA, are supporting homosexual marriage. ACTION NEEDED TODAY! Those favoring homosexual marriage are already contacting their Senators urging defeat of the MPA. Time is short! Please send your letters today! Send an email by clicking on . Click Here to email your two U.S. Senators now!

Dominican Leader “Highly Recommends” Homosexual Cowboy Film

I thought I heard it all until I read this bit of news today: SAN ANTONIO, Texas, February 7, 2006 ( – A prominent Dominican has written a review praising the gay cowboy film Brokeback Mountain as “an engrossing story, a plea for tolerance, and a sad, emotional film that will touch anyone who has ever been in love.” Fr. Tom Condon, OP, student master for St. Martin de Porres Province of the Dominicans, writes about the propaganda-laden film with a strangely tender voice, given that it openly portrays sex between cowboys as beautiful and precious. His praise for the film flies directly in the face of Catholic teaching that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered” and “under no circumstances can they be approved.” Brokeback Mountain works hard to seduce the watcher into sympathy for the “love” between the hardened but sensitive cowhands, but in fact it is a weighty pitch for legitimizing homosexuality that carefully avoids the raunchier aspects of the original sto...

Memorial of Blessed Rosalie Rendu

Also known as Jeanne Marie Rendu, she was the eldest of four girls bron to a middle class mountain family Her parents, who were small property owners, enjoyed a certain affluence and true respect throughout the area. Jeanne Marie was baptized the day she was born in the parish church of Lancrans. Jeanne Marie Rendu was born 9 September 1786 at Confort, a district of Gex in the Jura Mountains. She was the eldest of four girls. Her parents, simple living mountain people and small property owners, enjoyed a certain affluence and true respect throughout the area. Jeanne Marie was baptized the day she was born in the parish church of Lancrans. Her Godfather by proxy was Jacques Emery, a family friend and future Superior General of the Sulpicians in Paris. Jeanne Marie Rendu was three years old when the Revolution broke out in France. From 1790 it was mandatory for the clergy to take an oath of support for the civil Constitution. However, many priests, faithful to the Church, refused to take...

Spritual Quote of the Day

"The heart of Christ is what birthed the Church. The Church beats with the heart of Christ and that is where we are called to live. How do we become the mystical heart of Christ? The best and most perfect way to do it is through the heart of Mary." ~ contained in a homily given by Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, President of Human Life International.

St. Theodore of Heraclea

St. Theodore was a Christian soldier who set on fire the temple of the mother-goddess Cybele at Amasea (303 A.D.). The prefect of the legion promised mercy if he repented his act and renounced the Christian faith. Theodore persevered bravely; accordingly he was cast into prison and his flesh ripped by iron hooks so that his ribs were exposed. In the midst of indescribable torture he sang joyfully, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise will ever be in my mouth" (Ps. 33). Praying and singing the glories of Christ, he was burned alive. A panegyric by St. Gregory of Nyssa on his virtues is extant. Theodore's head has been venerated at Cajeta since the Middle Ages. In ancient times, particularly among the Greeks, this soldier-martyr was honored as patron of armies. During the seventh century a church was dedicated to him in Rome, and his picture appears upon the apse mosaic in the church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian. Symbols: Post and iron hooks; white horse; temple of ...

DePaul University to Offer Minor in "Queer Studies"?

The largest Catholic university in the U.S. has instituted a "Queer Studies" program DePaul University in Chicago -- the largest Catholic university in the United States -- is launching a "queer studies" program that looks at issues of homosexuality. DePaul will be the first Catholic university to offer a minor in the topic , and could face the wrath of the Vatican . Via Lair of the Catholic Caveman and Thoughts of a Regular Guy . Just when you think that some of our Catholic Universities couldn't get any more pagan and secularized than they already are, you read something like this and just shake your head. Ok, I can appreciate how it is important to understand the problems involved in homosexual behavior and to learn to deal with those who are afflicted with this spiritual sickness, especially if you are going to train to be a counselor or involved in ministry to those who are recovering homosexuals or those who seek to change their behavior. What I don'...

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