Conversing with Jesus -- Updated

Today I am praying for...
1. Bill, who has left the Catholic faith and is very hostile toward the teachings of the Church that he will accept the grace the Lord is giving him to return to the Mystical Body of Christ.
2. an end to abortion and the reversal of Roe V. Wade.
3. Roxie and Scott and all who will be entering the Church this Easter.
4. P.'s mother-in-law, whose deteriorating physical and mental health required a hospital stay this week, most likely as the result of a stroke.
5. S.'s mother who has been hospitalized with pneumonia.
6. the poor and the hungry of the world.
7. discernment in one of my apostolates.
8. a job for the Confessionator.
9. Julie D.'s intentions.
10. continuing prayers for the health of Father S. & Father T. Praise the Lord for their progress!
11. the founder of our Community who will be undergoing major surgery on Friday, March 24. Please join the Community in praying for him at this time. Thank you.
Please feel free to join me in praying for these special intentions. If you have any prayer requests, please list them in the comment section below or email me and I would be happy to intercede for you.God reward you!
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