St. Joseph: A Man of Faith, Courage, Humility, Obedience, & Love

Today is the feast of St. Joseph. St. Joseph has always held a special place in my heart. Perhaps it is because he has come through for me and my husband, Bill, in some very tough situations. St. Teresa of Avila said that she could not remember ever asking Saint Joseph for anything that she did not receive. Or perhaps it may have something to do with the fact that my Spiritual Father's name is Joseph or that my husband's Confirmation name is Joseph and they are both strong, holy, Catholic men. I do know that I admire St. Joseph a great deal. Can you imagine living under the same roof as the Son of God and being married to the Mother of God, a perfect woman who did not carry the stain of original sin? He didn't have a chance when it came to winning an argument in that family.(Sorry, I couldn't resist that one.)
He had a huge responsibility in caring for the two of them. He took on this responsibility with complete obedience to the will of God. He certainly must have had his doubts, concerns, and worries, yet he never faltered, but remained faithful and obedient. This is how Pope John Paul II describes St. Joseph:
""Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care."
Here is a tribute to St. Joseph, written by St. Louis de Montfort
by Saint Louis de Montfort
Let’s sing a hymn in honor
Of Saint Joseph, the protector
And spouse of Mary.
Humble Joseph is little known.
No one on earth truly understands him
But he ravishes the blessed.
May earth unite with heaven
May everything glorify him!
Great saint, God found only you
Worthy to be the spouse
Of His admirable Mother.
Spouse of the Queen of heaven,
This privilege is marvelous;
Witness of her holiness
Guardian of her purity,
O incomparable glory!
The Eternal Father chose you
To nourish His Son on earth,
To be His vicar.
You have carried in your arms
He who holds everything in His hands,
By a most special choice
You have been the nurturer
Of your own Father.
Oh! to have seen Him caress you
Smile at you and embrace you
With extraordinary love.
His smiles pierced your heart
And filled it with tenderness.
Embraced by His love.
You told Him, in your turn,
My dear Son, I love you.
If a word of Mary was able
To sanctify, by its power
Saint John with his mother,
What must have
His holy and loving conversation
Wrought in you!
His words ravished you,
His presence filled you
With grace and light.
How great your humility!
It enabled youTo be silent,
To take the lowest place
To live as a poor carpenter
To appear ignorant,
Incapable, without talent,
Simple, imprudent.
The more you humbled yourself
The more God has exalted you
Close to Him in heaven.
Your merits are astounding
Your privileges are great
Heaven admires your splendor
The world is full of your favors
As is Purgatory.
No one ever prays to you in vain
Everyone trusts you
As Teresa said.
Your Son is the glorious God
Your Spouse is the Queen of heaven.
Praying, you command them
Everything is done, if you ask.
O power without limit!
Try to be the last in all things,
To hide yourself, and rejoice
In Jesus and Mary!
Seek what the world rejects
And flee from what it pursues.
Let faith alone govern you,
In order to be happy with me
By imitating my life.
Saint Joseph, be my patron
To obtain for me a great gift:
Divine Wisdom!
To glorify my Savior,
To convert sinners,
To help poor little ones,
To crush my enemies.
Love impels you!
Here is a wonderful website in honor of St. Joseph which contains prayers, devotions, links, and recipes for celebrating the day.
Happy Feast day, Father!
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