Tiller the Killer: The Reason Wichita is Called "the Abortion Capital of the World"

Wichita, KS - The Wichita Eagle published a story along with a huge, page-wide photo about Operation Rescue's billboards along I-35 in Oklahoma that declare Wichita the nation's Abortion Capital. The story mentions that the Greater Wichita Convention and Visitors Bureau has received some phone calls from people concerned that the billboards might give Wichita a bad name.
"George Tiller is the one who has given Wichita a bad name", said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who moved OR's offices and staff to Wichita from Southern California to battle Tiller. The city's reputation has been further harmed by the fact that so many local companies enable Tiller to continue to his late-term chills-killing operation here by doing business with him."
Operation Rescue has published the names of the "Top 50 Abortion Collaborators" Wichita businesses that profit from the deaths of innocent children at Tiller's world famous abortion mill.
"We believe people have a right to know who is in bed with the abortion industry. Men and women of conscience do not want to spend their money supporting such businesses or communities," said OR spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. "We encourage people to contact the abortion collaborators and the Greater Wichita Convention and Visitors Bureau, and voice their concerns about their support of George Tiller's late-term abortion business."
Via Operation Rescue.
WorldNetDaily also presents the Wichita Eagle's story on their website.
What is rarely reported on are all the strong Pro-life workers and volunteers who give freely of their time and labors to help put an end to the culture of death in Wichita. Some of these groups include:
1. Operation Save America, who are affliliated with OSA National in Dallas, Teactivitiesr primary avtivities include: sidewalk counselor training and sidewalk counseling at abortion facilities; printing sidewalk counselor hand-outs for all Wichita Pro-life groups; community outreach at schools and public places.
2. Right to Life of Kansas, who are affilliated with the American Life League, in Stafford, VA. Their primary activities include: Rating candidates through PAC; legislative lobbying; bus trip to March for Life; Annual Convention; local walks; videos, talks, and literature.
3. The Kansas Democrat Coalition for Life. KDCFL is looking for Pro-life Democratic Precinct Committeemen and women candidates to run in the August Primary election.
4. The Kansas Republican Coalition for Life, which is affiliated with the Republican National Coalition for Life, in Dallas, Texas. Their primary activities include: Organizing Committeemen and women candidates to run in the August Primary Elections on even numbered years; promoting the Pro-life cause within the Republican party at the district and state levels.
5. Kansans for Life, which is affiliated with the National Right to Life Committee in Washington, D.C. Their primary activities include: Lobbying the Kansas Legislature; preparing and distributing Pro-life voter's guides for state-level candidates; maintaining a Pro-life resource library and a Pro-life speaker's bureau.
6. Kansas Coalition for Life, Inc., which has no national affiliation, but works with the Pro-life Action League, Chicago, IL and Life Dynamics, Denton, Texas. Their primary activities include: LPPPA (Love Prayer and Persistent Political Action) a seven year plan to close Tiller's Abortion facility, involving a continuous presence at Tiller's gate; providing aid and support to mother's who change their mind about having an abortion; sponsoring an annual Pro-life Signature Ad, for the benefit of all Pro-life groups in Kansas.
7. Operation Rescue West -- The Wichita office is the National operation Rescue West Office. Their primary activities include: maintaining a fleet of Truth-trucks which travel throughout the USA; direct counseling of individuals and businesses who work, indirectly or directly for the abortion industry. ORW also investigates botched abortions and provides facts and statistics to the media.
There are many other Pro-life resources, which include pregnancy crisis centers, pregnancy care centers, and Pro-life medical clinics. Some of this are: A Better Choice, Birthline, Gerard House, HopeNet, Bethlehem Maternity Home, Choices Medical Clinic, Heartland Life Network, and Pregnancy Crisis Center.
Although I have only lived in Kansas for about six months now, I can tell you this: Wichita has some of the most determined and dedicated Pro-lifers I have ever met. With all the prayer and the actions that are going on in Wichita, I don't think that Wichita will remain known as "the abortion capital of the world" for much longer.
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