Conversing with Jesus

Today I am praising the Lord and thanking Him for...
the wonderful weekend I spent with family in St. Louis.
Birgitta, who has passed the second comprehensive exam for her Ph.D. and has advanced to candidacy.
I am praying for...
the repose of the soul of Fr Marie-Dominique Philippe, the founder of the Community of St. Jean (St. John), who went to the Father's house Friday night (4 am Sat morning in France). May Our Lord grant him everlasting rest, and may the Virgin Mary, for whom he had such a tender love, intercede for him!
Requiescat in pace. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
the repose of the soul of Kenneth Burbine.
the repose of the souls of the victims of the airplane crash in Kentucky and for peace and healing for their families.
Our Holy Father and our bishops, that the Holy Spirit will guide and strenghten them.
a change in laws, which discriminate against the unborn.
an increase in vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life.
an end to abortion, the conversion of the abortionists and their staff, and the closing of all abortion mills.
a special intention.
all previous intentions listed here.
Thank you for praying for all these special intentions with me. If you have a prayer need please let me know in the comment section below or email me and I will be happy to pray for your special need. God bless you!
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