Today is special because I am celebrating the birthdays of two people and one animal. Today is my sister-in-law, Janet's birthday, my birthday, and my cat, Jazzy's (short for Jasmine) birthday. Jazzy, a long-haired calico, is three years old today.

I am thanking the Lord for the gift of life today -- my life, Janet's life, and all human life.

Would you please say some special prayers for all three of us today? (St. Francis of Assisi has come through for Jazzy on several occasions.)


  1. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays!

  2. Happy Birthday! To you and your sister in law and your your kitty cat!!

  3. Dear Jean,

    Happy, happy birthday!
    Thank you for writing this inspiring blog! I know that you devote several hours of your time on a daily basis to minister to others and share His love with others through this Catholic blog. You are an inspiration and a joy to me and to all who know you.
    You are His precious jewel.
    May He continue to use you to bring others to Him. Thank you for your apostolate!

    Love & prayers,

  4. Have a beautiful birthday, Jean!

    In Our Mother,

  5. Jean,

    I am praying for you in a special way today for birthday blessings. God has created you in His image and likeness and it is easy for me to see God in You.

    Thanks for all you do for the Lord.

    In Jesus & Mary,

  6. Happy birthday, Jean!
    I hope you have a very special day.

    Keeping you in my prayers in a very special way today, too!


  7. A very happy birthday to you! God bless you!

    Jean Marie

  8. Jean, I hope that this was the happiest of birthdays for you! I have thought of you so many times today and lifted you up to God in prayer. I miss our long emails. Maybe after the move into the apartment this weekend, I can relax and write as I would like. I am hoping in the 12 weeks or so before moving into the house that I can do many more things that I have had to let go of over the last 9 months or so. Love you bunches, kiddo! Theresa

  9. Thank you all for your kind words and wonderful birthday greetings.

    They warm my heart and make me thankful to God for my faithful readers and friends.

    May God bless you all and keep you always in His loving care.

  10. Theresa,

    It's so good to hear from you! You have been in my thoughts and prayers, too.

    I miss our online chats. I hope your move goes well & look forward to hearing from you & catching up on all your news.

    God bless you!

  11. Happy belated birthday, Jean! I tried to send you a card yesterday, but I don't think it went through.


  12. The above message was emailed to me at my second email address.


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