Kline Memo Cites “Tiller’s Blood Money” Revealing Morrison’s Plan To Disregard Laws

Tiller is at it again -- using blood money to support another pro-death Democratic candidate for political office in Kansas.

Topeka, KS - Sep 14, 2006 An illegally leaked memo from Attorney General Phill Kline regarding campaign strategy has been covered extensively by news organizations in an effort to discredit him. But Operation Rescue says that the memo stated that he wanted to go to churches and “get in their pulpits and have them personally host a reception to match Tiller’s blood money.”Abortionist George Tiller, who is currently under investigation by the Attorney General’s office for illegally concealing child rape and suspected illegal late-term abortions, recently held a ritzy fundraiser for Paul Morrison in Washington DC through his political action committee, ProKanDo. Four years ago, Tiller dumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into Kline’s opponent’s campaign in the final days before the election, in what Operation Rescue described as an attempt to buy an attorney general who would look the other way when it came to wrong-doing in the abortion industry.

“Abortionists are trying to buy the Attorney General’s office,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Abortionists can’t abide by the law, so they are trying to buy an attorney general that has promised to ignore the law.”

Morrison, a practicing Catholic, has pledged to drop all investigations into Kansas abortionists currently underway. Dropping the investigation will require that he disregard Kansas laws that require child sex abuse to be reported and that restrict dangerous late-term abortions.

“From a religious standpoint, as well as from a public policy standpoint, Morrison’s pledge to protect outlaw abortionists in exchange for their blood money is a scandalous,” said Newman. “If this is not technically corruption, it is certainly unethical and immoral.”

My Comments:

Tiller is certainly adept at buying off nominal "Catholics" who don't seem to mind innocent babies get slaughtered and children being raped in exchange for poltical power. To them, the status and power of political office is much more important than human life. Wow, the devil is certainly working over-time these days!


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