Bishop Demetrio Fernandez: "God Loves Homosexuals,Too"

No one chooses his or her sex, despite what Congress says, warns Spanish bishop

Madrid, Nov. 13, 2006 (CNA) - Bishop Demetrio Fernandez of Tarazona said this week persons do not determine their own sex, despite what Congress says, because in the beginning, “God created man, male and female He created them.

”In a letter entitled, “God Loves Homosexuals Too,” the bishop responded to a new law approved by the Justice Committee of the Spanish Congress, which would allow people to change their names or their sex on their national identity cards, without having undergone a surgical procedure or legal process.

Bishop Fernandez warned that the law “is against the truth of man” and is of no help to persons with homosexual tendencies. In addition, he said, “It sows confusion in the social environment in which we live.”The bishop noted that God “does not have contempt for any of his creatures” and He loves homosexuals “because they are persons, created by God for his glory.”

“There are no first-class and second-class persons. Much less throw-away persons,” he stressed.

Nevertheless, he explained that because of original sin, “all of natural creation” has been distorted.

“Beginning with original sin, all of nature suffered a distortion, an unbalance that affects us all. And within that nature, man is born wounded by sin. Man created in the image and likeness of God knows that this image is disfigured, distorted,” he said. [More]


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