Showing posts from December, 2006
My Blogiversary? Again?
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December 23 - tomorrow - will be my 3rd Blogiversary. I never thought that my blogging would last so long! I still have no idea of what I am doing technologically, but I am definitely hooked. As I have mentioned before, this blog is part of my apostolate - to teach others about the Catholic faith and to learn more myself in the process, to spread the Good News, to witness for human life, and to share God's love with others through my prayer intercessions, and in any way I can. Blogging has to be something that's fun or I wouldn't be doing it, so I try to include humor, quizzes, memes, movie and book reviews to keep it all interesting. I am so grateful to all of you, my devoted readers, for your prayers and support over the years (especially recently) - you are the ones who help to keep me motivated each day. God bless you!
Brief Book Reviews: Gems for Christmas & the New Year
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Here are my most recent reads: His Suffering and Ours: Words of Hope for Pierced and Wounded Hearts by Kathryn Mulderink is just superb! This is a wonderful book to read now and also later, in preparation for Lent. In her first book, To Sing You Must Exhale , Kathryn– an accomplished Catholic poet - presented us with a glimpse of the strong spiritual union she shares with the Lord through her poetry. This second time around, she takes us deeper into her uniquely feminine spirituality through a smattering of mystical poetry and a dynamic collection of excerpts from personal letters, Scripture passages, and meditations which center around Christ’s Seven Last Words from the Cross. If you are experiencing any kind of suffering (and who isn't?) then this is the book you need to lift you up. It is filled with wisdom, encouragement, and unconditional love. 101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation by Sr. Patricia Proctor - A wonderful collection of intimate narrative...
Operation Rescue: Abortionist Tiller Charged With Multiple Counts! Updated
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Operation Rescue calls on the Board of Healing Arts to suspend Tiller’s license and close his mill Wichita, KS – Attorneys for late-term abortionist George R. Tiller announced at a press conference today that charges have been filed by Attorney General Phill Kline against their client for illegal late-term abortions and what they described as a “technical” violation of Kansas reporting laws. Tiller is scheduled to appear in Sedgwick County District Court on Wednesday, December 27, to answer multiple misdemeanor counts filed against him in a contentious case where Tiller unsuccessfully fought to prevent law enforcement from gaining access to medical records that likely contained incriminating evidence against him. [More] Glory Halleuiah! Judgement Day has arrived! More to come... December 22, 2006 -Update: Wichita, KS – District Attorney Nola Foulston has successfully moved to drop the 30 charges against late-term abortionist George R. Tiller filed yesterday in Sedgwick County District...
Quiz: Who Would You Be in 1400 AD?
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The Prioress You scored 13% Cardinal, 61% Monk, 58% Lady, and 45% Knight! You are a moral person and are also highly intellectual. You like your solitude but are also kind and helpful to those around you. Guided by a belief in the goodness of mankind you will likely be christened a saint after your life is over . You scored high as both the Lady and the Monk. You can try again to get a more precise description of either the Monk or the lady, or you can be happy that you're an individual. Link: The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test written by KnightlyKnave . Via Thoughts of a Regular Guy.
Today's Intercessory Prayers
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Today I am praying to Jesus through His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, for the following intentions: For Robert Schiavo. For peace and healing for Ukok. For best wishes for College Catholic AKA Fidei Defensor who is leaving the blogosphere. That all Catholics will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Christmas in preparation for the coming of the Christ Child. For an end to abortion and the closing of all abortion mills. For healing for all those who are suffering the loss of a child or a loved one. For healing for all those who are suffering from the pain of abortion. For safe travel and good weather for those who will be traveling this Christmas. For all previous intentions listed here.
Pray for Robert Schindler
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Wesely Smith writes : Robert Schindler, Terri Schiavo's father, has had a stroke and is in a hospital intensive care unit. He is conscious. At present, the doctors are trying to stabilize his condition. Once that is done, he will be transferred to a rehabilitation center. His family, always a class act, is at his side and are hopeful for Bob's full recovery. It's been a very tough couple of years for the Schindler family. Regardless of where one stands on the Terri Schiavo case, the Schindlers--Bob, Mary, Bobby, and Suzanne Vitadamo--deserve our best wishes and, for those of a mind, prayers, toward Bob's complete recovery and the family's well being in this difficult time. Cards can be sent to: Robert Schindler, c/o The Terri Schiavo Foundation 5562 Central Ave. # 2 St. Petersburg. FL 33707 I've been quite thankful for the leadership of the Schindler family and their dedication to the suffering and oppressed. I do hope our readers will reach out in support of th...
Spiritual Meditation of the Day: Pope Benedict XVI
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"The birth of Jesus is not a fable, it is a story that really happened, in Bethlehem two thousand years ago. Faith brings us to recognize in that little Child born of the Virgin Mary, the true Son of God Who, out of love, chose to become man. In the face of the little Jesus, we contemplate the face of God, which is not revealed through force or power, but in weakness and the fragile constitution of a child. This 'Divine Child' .. demonstrates the faithfulness and tenderness of the boundless love with which God surrounds each of us. For this reason we rejoice at Christmas, reliving the same experience as the shepherds of Bethlehem."
Today's Intercessory Prayers
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Today I am praying to Jesus through Mother Mary for the following intentions: For healing and conversion of M., who has been away from the Church for 30+ years, and for M., who has been away from the away from the Church for 40+ years - I place them in the immaculate heart of our holy Mother, Mary. For a special intention for Bill. For a joyful and peaceful Christmas for all. For friends for those who suffer from loneliness; for peace and healing for those who are hurting in any way - especially for those who are suffering the loss of a loved one. For continued healing for Gloria. That all Catholics will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Christmas in preparation for the coming of the Christ child. For the repose of the soul of a young man who was killed in an accident this morning and for healing for his family and friends. For healing of the driver in that accident who was badly burned and is in critical condition. For an end to abortion and the closing of all abortion mil...
Judie Brown: Nancy Pelosi's Problem
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The pro-abortion Catholic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, who will be Speaker of the House this coming January, is flaunting her Catholic identity in the face of both Cardinal William Keeler of Baltimore and Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. Her office has announced that she will celebrate her new position with a series of events including Mass at her alma mater, Trinity College in Washington, D.C. Pelosi's office claims that her planned events will present a different image of her: "that of a Roman Catholic mother and grandmother." The exploitation of the Catholic Mass is particularly egregious because Pelosi is not only a committed pro-abortion politician but she has rarely supported anything even close to resembling a family value. While we are grateful that she at least recognizes her family as important to her, we cannot abide such disdain for the Church and particularly for the Mass. One has to wonder what Archbishop Wuerl and Cardinal Keeler will do about...
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"Does mankind in our own time still await the Savior?" It appears that many people consider God as foreign to their interests. They have no apparent need of Him, and live as if He did not exist or, worse still, as if He were an 'obstacle' to be removed in order to achieve self-fulfillment. Even among believers ... are those who let themselves be attracted by alluring mirages and distracted by misleading doctrines that propose illusory shortcuts to happiness." "And yet with all their contradictions, their anguish and their dramas - or perhaps precisely because of them - men and women today seek a road of renewal, of salvation, they seek a Savior and await, sometimes without knowing it, ... the coming of Christ, man's only true Redeemer." For this reason, the Pope concluded, Christians must, "with the testimony of their lives, propagate the truth of Christmas, which Christ brings to all men and women of good will. Born into poverty in the manger...
Today's Intercessory Prayers
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Today I am praying to Jesus through Mary for the following intentions: For Shannon, who suffered a miscarriage and for her husband, as they grieve the loss of their first child. For Norbert for peace, healing, and reconciliation in his marriage. For Greg & Gloria for healing and reconciliation in their marriage. For Ukok. for Julie D's special intentions. For Moneybag's vocation. For those suffering from mental illness, especially for S's family. For the Holy Father's special intentions. For fallen - away Catholics to return Home this Christmas, especially those within our families, and for the conversion of all nominal Catholics. For good weather and safe travel for all those who will be traveling this Christmas. For an end to abortion and for the closing of all abortion mills. For the safety and well-being of all our troops and for world peace. For grace, healing, strength, and the perseverance to do all that God has asked me to do through my various apostolates....
Knights Air Television Spot Asking Help for Children in Need
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A television spot being broadcast by the Knights of Columbus this Christmas invites viewers to help a child in need. You may wish to provide such help by donating to a favorite charity of your own, or consider charities supported by the Knights of Columbus at the national, international or state levels. The 60-second television message, which features a rendition of Away in a Manger sung by country music star Patty Loveless, will air Dec. 18-25 on U.S.-based cable TV networks CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News Channel, and CMT (Country Music Television). In Canada, it will be broadcast on CTV National and CTV Newsnet, as well as on local stations in Toronto and Montreal. Catholic programs airing in Hartford, Boston, Detroit, Orlando and Long Island will also show the spot, as will the U.S. Catholic cable channel ETWN. Broadband (rm, 1.9 mb) Dial-up (rm, 426 kb) For more information, go here.
Pro-Life Nurse's Refusal to Do Abortions Changes Chicago Hospital Policy
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Chicago, IL ( -- A pro-life nurse who challenged a Chicago hospital's policy of having its staff participate in abortions has opened the eyes of her co-workers, who never knew they had a choice not to participate. The ordeal points to the reasons behind a Congressional provision that is currently tied up in courts. At the age of 48, Mary Bauer decided to change careers. She obtained a nursing degree and went to work at a Chicago, Illinois hospital in its labor and delivery unit. On her first day of work, Bauer arrived excited and looking forward to her new job. However, after an initial orientation, hospital staff said her first assignment would be assisting in the abortion of a 22 week-old unborn child with Down syndrome. In an interview Bauer described her ordeal. "I just told them, ‘I can’t take that patient. I’m very pro-life. I cannot participate in any way, shape or form. I just can’t do it, so I need an alternate assignment," Bauer said. Read the compl...
Catholic Leaders Sign Document Urging “Assumption of Chastity” on Catholic Campuses
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MANASSAS, Virginia, December 19, 2006 ( Catholic colleges and universities must “faithfully and compassionately” address disordered attitudes towards sexuality on their campuses, a document signed by more than 50 leaders of Catholic organizations said, in particular calling for chastity in students and faculty dealing with same-sex attractions. "We leaders of various Catholic apostolates encourage all Catholics, united in prayer and action, to faithfully and compassionately address rising homosexual activism, sexual scandals, pornography and sexual addiction, and harmful attitudes toward sexuality, human life, and marriage on Catholic college and university campuses,” the statement drafted by the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) begins. “The Christian response to the wound of same-sex attraction is not hatred or discrimination, but aggressive efforts to develop a prevailing 'assumption of chastity' among students, faculty, administrators, staff, and trustees...
Getting into the Christmas Spirit: A Concert and A Movie (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
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This has been a busy time of preparation for Christmas for me. I am doing a little reading, some writing, some celebrating, some house cleaning, some baking, and winding up my shopping. And, of course, daily Mass, daily rosary, recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours, spontaneous prayer, and Eucharistic Adoration are all a part of my preparation spiritually. Yesterday, I went to a Christmas concert at church and it was magnificent! I couldn't believe how much talent we have in our parish. The singing was truly of professional quality. The concert included: Overture from Unto Us a Child is Born by J.S. Bach (organ), a female duet singing Not That Far from Bethlehem , a female trio singing Mary Sat A-Rocking (quite jazzy), Gloria in Exclesis Deo ( organ), a coed ensemble singing Breath of Heaven, Whisper of Angels sung by a woman who could be Joan Baez's twin (What a beautiful voice!), a men's ensemble singing As Lately We watched , Christmas Solstice ( on the organ ) , An...
A Simple Way to Support Our Soldiers This Christmas
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If you go to you can pick out a thank you card, Xerox will print it, and it will be sent to a soldier who is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. How amazing it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one! Please send a card. It is FREE and it only takes a minute. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all the soldiers received a bunch of these?
A Few Words on The Nativity Story
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I saw "The Nativity Story" the weekend it was released (On Sunday, December 3) and enjoyed it. It was a uplifting and inspirational film. However, it didn't blow me away like "Passion of the Christ". It is a more "worldly" film and does not have that ethereal quality to it, that "The Passion" did. When I viewed "The Passion of the Christ" I felt as if the Holy Spirit had inspired Mel and was guiding him to tell the story just as he had the authors of the Bible. "The Nativity" is Hollywood's version of how the birth of Christ took place and it is indeed a beautiful story. I particularly liked the way St. Joseph (Oscar Issac) is portrayed - as a kind, thoughtful, loving, and obedient man - who is the strong protector of his family. He was quite admirable in the film. It was also interesting to see the shepherds' and the wisemen's stories in this movie - something that is unique to Hollywood films. "The Nativ...
St. John of the Cross, Mystic, Doctor of the Church
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St. John of the Cross (along with St. Teresa of Avila) is one of the founders of the Discalced Carmelites and today is one of their principal feast days. I wish my Discalced Carmelite friends -- Fr. Glenn Harris, Chris, Marie, Kathryn, and Susan -- a very happy and blessed feast day! Among the Church's contemplatives, St. John is one of the acknowledged masters of mystical theology. Indeed, perhaps no other writer has had greater influence on Catholic spirituality. Gonzalo de Yepes, John's father, was disowned by his wealthy family of silk merchants for marrying a humble silk weaver, Catalina Alvarez. When forced to adapt to surroundings of poverty and hard work, Gonzalo died young, shortly after the birth of John, his third son. John received his elementary education in Medina del Campo at an institution for the children of the poor, in which he was also fed and clothed. Besides his elementary studies, he was introduced to various crafts through apprenticeships. At 17 he found...
"Tiller the Killer" Must Be Stopped
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I have heard nightmarish Tiller stories many times - people being forced to move out of the area for fear of their lives, people Tiller has frightened and actually injured with his jeep, women of all ages he has coerced into murdering their nearly full-term babies. (Not once has his hand been slapped for any of this - he gets off scott-free every time.) I have actually seen this killer face to face and have begged the Lord for mercy for him. I have also prayed daily for an end to his senseless acts of violence. Novenas, prayer, fasting, nothing seems to phase this hardened sinner, but I tend to believe that when God knocks him off his horse, he will fall hard. While he is still alive, there is still hope for him. That's why I am continuing to pray for this murderer's conversion. If he continues what he is doing today and does not accept God's mercy, the Lord will have His vengeance. In the meantime, horrific things are happening on a daily basis at his abortion mill in Wich...
Feast of St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
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According to the traditional story, Lucy was born of noble parents in Syracuse, Sicily about the year 283. She made a vow of virginity and was reported to the governor by a rejected suitor for being a Christian. She was tried and executed by a sword. As the name, Lucy, derives from 'lux' or 'light', she has become associated with festivals of light and with invocations against afflictions of the sight. Legend has it that she was blinded by her persecutors. The church of San Giovanni Maggiore at Naples even claims to possess her eyes. Prayer Saint Lucy, your beautiful name signifies light. By the light of faith which God bestowed upon you, increase and preserve this light in my soul so that I may avoid evil, be zealous in the performance of good works, and abhor nothing so much as the blindness and the darkness of evil and of sin. By your intercession with God, obtain for me perfect vision for my bodily eyes and the grace to use them for God's greater honor and glory...
Pro-life Quote of the Day: Pope Benedict XVI
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"As far as the right to life is concerned, we must denounce its widespread violation in our society: alongside the victims of armed conflicts, terrorism and the different forms of violence, there are the silent deaths caused by hunger, abortion, experimentation on human embryos and euthanasia. How can we fail to see in all this an attack on peace? Abortion and embryonic experimentation constitute a direct denial of that attitude of acceptance of others which is indispensable for establishing lasting relationships of peace. " ~ Pope Benedict XVI, from his 2nd Message for the World Day of Peace: "The Human Person, the Heart of Peace."
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
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December 12th is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is the 475th year since Our Blessed Mother first appeared to Juan Diego and spoke this message of hope to him and to all her children: "Do not let your countenance, your heart be disturbed... Am I not here, I, who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more? Let nothing else worry you, disturb you." This is my favorite quote for obtaining peace when things in my life get stressful. It reminds me just who I have on my side and how much my Mother loves me. Patroness of the Unborn In the Americas, five centuries ago, cruel human sacrificing rituals were performed in the Aztec empire. Between 20,000 and 50,000 were sacrificed a year. The rituals included cannibalism of the victims limbs. Most of them were captives or slaves, and besides men they included women and children. The ea...
Fr. Frank Pavone: Priests for Life Newsletter
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Volume 17, Number 1, J anuary - Febuary 2007 Prayer Intentions You are encouraged to remember the following intentions as you pray the Liturgy of the Hours: January intention: That our youth may be healed of the wounds of being abortion survivors. February intention: For the seminarians and inquirers of the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life.More members join the Lay Missionaries of the Gospel of Life Over seven hundred individuals are now actively preparing for profession as Lay Associates of the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. Embodying the mission and spirituality of Priests for Life, this Society not only welcomes seminarians, priests, and deacons, but welcomes lay persons. Members do the pro-life work that they are already doing (whether full-time or part-time, and whether paid or volunteer), but now do it in union with the spirituality of the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, and as members of an approved Society within the Church. This provides opportunities to interact wi...
Spiritual Quote of the Day: Pope Benedict XV1
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"Advent invites us to turn our gaze towards the 'heavenly Jerusalem,' which is the final goal of our earthly pilgrimage. At the same time, it exhorts us to commit ourselves with prayer, conversion and good works, to welcoming Jesus into our lives, to constructing together with him that spiritual building in which each of us - our families and our communities - is a precious stone." ~ Pope Benedict XVI
Update on My Activities
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Ok... I am responding to those of you who have requested an update on my activities. After the election, I was really exhausted and needed some down time. Instead of blogging day and night plus doing extra work to promote pro-life candidates, counseling and assisting pregnant women, coordinating adult education activities in my parish, writing book reviews, reviewing movies, and going crazy performing all the other vital activities that good wives and mothers (we are all mothers) do, while struggling with FMS, I decided it was time to rest. As much as I would like to envision myself as having the strength of Samson and the endurance and perseverance of Mother Teresa, I have to admit to myself that I am only Jean Heimann - a mere mortal who is given many graces by God to get out of bed in the morning and perform the simple activities of everyday life which are often quite challenging. If I can perform those faithfully and obediently, then I ceratinly will have accomplished all that God ...
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