The "Regular" Alphabet Meme

Esther tagged me for the Alphabet Meme.

[A is for age]: 50 something. Wow, that sounds ancient! At least I don't feel that old (today) :)

[B is for beer of choice]: none, unless I 'm really in the mood to celebrate and then it's Heineken, but if I'm in St. Louis, it's Bud Light or Michelob Ultra.

[C is for career]: Psychologist; now Freelance Writer

[D is for favorite Drink]: Something I prepare daily - a POPR: Pomegranate, Orange, Pineapple and Raspberry juices blended together. It's both delicious and nutritious!

[E is for Essential item you use everyday]: Besides the computer, I would be in pretty sad shape without my rosary.

[F is for Favorite song at the moment]: There are so many ... Although I no longer purchase Charlotte Church's music, I still enjoy listening to her sing #21 In Trutina from Carmina Burana (Cantiones Profonae, Medieval La).

[G is for favorite Game]: Jeopardy and word games

[H is for Home town]: I could call more than one place I have lived my hometown, so I will pass on this one.

[I is for Instrument]: My voice is the only musical instrument I "play", but I have always wanted to play the piano.

[J is for my favorite Juice]: freshly squeezed OJ

[K is for Kids]: No biological children, but many "adopted" unborn children as a result of reciting the adoption prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

[L is for last kiss]: Either my DH or my cat, Jasmine ... can't remember, as I have been avoiding kissing anyone lately with this cold.

[M is for marriage]: Yes

[N is for full Name]: Jean Marie Catherine Heimann

[O is for Overnight hosp stays]: surgery 20+ years ago

[P is for phobias]: None

[Q is for quote]: "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

~ C.S. Lewis

[R is for biggest Regret]: Taking the birth control pill 30+ years ago - I believe that this was, in part, the reason for my inability to conceive later on.

[S is for sports]: baseball, ice skating

[T is for Time you wake up]: varies, depending how late I have been working the previous night

[U is for color underwear]:We won't even go there.

[V is for Vegetable you love]: asparagus

[W is for Worst Habit]: I went to ask my dh, but he's sleeping, so I will have to take a rain check on this. I'm sure he would answer "none."

[X is for X-rays you've had]: teeth, chest, back, yearly mammogram

[Y is for Yummy food you make]: I make great meatloaf. (My dh likes me to keep things simple.)

[Z is for zodiac sign]: I don't believe in it.

I will pass this meme on to anyone who would like to do it.


  1. Jean, it amazes me how much we have in common! I majored in Psychology in college. Even attended grad school for a bit. Thanks for posting your responses.
    God bless,

  2. Me, too, Esther. Thanks for sharing this with me.

    God bless you,



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