Lenten Meditation with St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Pope John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI
If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
~ John 8: 31 - 32

"Jesus Christ is the personified Truth who attracts the world to Himself ... every other truth is a fragment of the The Truth that He is and refers to Him. Thus, He fills our hearts, overwhelming them with joy, extending our minds toward unexplored horizon, uplifting it from the narrowness of selfishness and making it capable of authentic love."
~ Pope Benedict XVI
" Today ... even after two thousand years, we see Christ as the one who brings man freedom based on truth, frees man from what curtails, diminishes and as it were breaks off this freedom at its root, in man's soul, his heart and his conscience."
~ John 8: 31 - 32

"Jesus Christ is the personified Truth who attracts the world to Himself ... every other truth is a fragment of the The Truth that He is and refers to Him. Thus, He fills our hearts, overwhelming them with joy, extending our minds toward unexplored horizon, uplifting it from the narrowness of selfishness and making it capable of authentic love."
~ Pope Benedict XVI

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