Today's Prayer Intentions

For the special intentions of the Holy Father.
For Penni.
For an appropiate and desirable internship for L. in her graduate social work program.
Healing for Christine from a recent accident.
Strength, peace, and healing for Lois, as she battles non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
For Larry who is in danger of losing his job.
For a man who was wrongly accused of a crime and is now in jail - that the truth will be revealed.
For an end to abortion and the closing of all abortion mills - especially Tiller's.
For the fruitfulness of Karen's work as the Director of the Helpers of God's Precious Infants.
For a correct diagnosis of Nigel's medical problems.
For Frankie, who is going through a difficult time.
For employment for Bill.
For all previous prayer intentions mentioned here.
Lord, hear our prayer.
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