Today's Prayer Intentions

chapel covered with purple cloths - to not be able to glance at the statues of the Holy Family and the Infant of Prague, but it also kept my gaze and my thoughts focused on Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist and the real reason I was there - to spend time with Him. I was there to adore Him, to share my innermost thoughts and feelings with Him, to reflect on His love for me, to learn His will for me, and to submit my will to His. The time we spend together is so precious - I don't want to waste it. The covered statues reminded me to keep my focus on the One who loves me enough to nourish me with His own flesh, given up for love of me.
Today, I invite you to join me in prayer for the following intentions:
For the special intentions of the Holy Father.
For Penni.
For the repose of the souls of these two nuns and for conversion for their murderers.
For strength, peace, and healing for Lois, as she battles non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
For an end to abortion and the closing of all abortion mills.
For a greater respect for human life throughout the world.
For an increase in vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life.
For Julie D's special intentions, especially this one.
For employment for Bill.
For all previous prayer intentions listed here.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
Praying for these intentions during morning Mass.