Today's Prayer Intentions

All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God. With great thanks, we now present our petitions to the Father:

In thanksgiving for safe travel for Bill.

For the Holy Father's special intentions.

For the repose of the soul of Sr M-A, an Apostolic Sister from the Community, who died of cancer on Ascension Thursday morning (May 17) in France at age 60. For peace and comfort for all her family and all her friends.

For the success of Bill's interview tomorrow morning.

For the apostolates of all the Brothers and Sisters as well as those of the Oblates of the Community of St. John.

For a young woman who has a stage 3 melanoma.

For A. who does not want an abortion, but is being coerced by the father of her baby, who is closed to other options. We pray for the life of this child.

For the repose of the soul of Pauline and for healing, peace, and comfort for her family.

For Dave who has been diagnosed with stomach cancer.

For safe travel for Fr. JM and for a successful meeting with the Bishop.

For an end to abortion and all sins against life.

For a special intention.

For all previous prayer intentions mentioned here and for those around St. Blog's.

Loving Father, You have done wondrous deeds. May we live with wonder before the mystery of Your love. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


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