Today's Prayer Intentions

Response: Hear our cry, our appeal.
You came in search of the last, the least, and the lost:
-carry your needy ones to safety. Response
You chose the company of the poor, the outcast, the sinner: heed the pleading of those who do not know the words of prayer. Response
You shielded humanity from the blows of evil by taking them upon yourself: defend those who are abused, abandoned, and oppressed. Response
You gave your life that all might live: raise to new life those who have died. Response
In thanksgiving for anniversary blessings today.
For the special intentions of the Holy Father.
For That all people will reverence and defend human life from conception to death.
That the Holy Spirit will guide our leaders in supporting a culture of life.
For world peace and the safety of our military.
For all newly ordained priests, especially Fr. O. and Fr. M.
For my husband Bill for all his special intentions.
For Matthew who is having hernia surgery tomorrow (Thursday).
For all those struggling with cancer, we pray for healing.
For these two urgent prayer requests from Julie D.
For the health and well-being of Marianne's father.
For Esther's prayer requests.
For seminarian Matthew for safe travel and a fruitful trip.
For the repose of the soul of Fr. Karl and for peace and comfort for his family.
For all previous intentions mentioned here, for those around St. Blog's and for all who have requested prayer.
Our Father...
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with us. Amen. (1 Cor. 16:23)
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