Newman Joins Historic Prayer Delegation To Iraq

Washington, DC – Operation Rescue President Troy Newman will be part of a historic Christian prayer delegation to Iraq. The group of six men, led by the Christian Defense Coalition, has been officially welcomed by the Iraqi government and will be their guests in Baghdad.

The group is scheduled to leave today for Iraq, and will spend a week praying for people of Iraq and seeking God’s wisdom and guidance for the direction of Iraq during this critical time in the nation’s history.

“Because we are a pro-life group, we are very concerned about the loss of life, both among the American troops endeavoring to bring stability to Iraq and to the innocent non-combatants that too often find themselves in harm’s way,” said Operation Rescue Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger. “This is an amazing opportunity to cover this nation with much-needed prayer.”

“We are aware of the dangers of traveling to a war zone, so we are asking for special prayer Troy and the other men in the delegation that they would be kept safe and for God’s blessings on their trip,” Sullenger said.


Let's keep Troy and the other members of this delegation in our prayers.


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