Blogging Around: Culture of Life

I'm sending this post through a second time, as Technorati did not pick it up the first time.

The Curt Jester posts his review on Christopher West's latest book, The Love That Satisfies. This is a book I have been wanting to read, so I was happy to hear him refer to it as "a wonderful book."

Paul at Thoughts of a Regular Guy: Let me set the scene. A pair of homosexual drug dealers, Roberts & Mangini, were convicted, jailed and then paroled. One of the conditions of their probation was that they can't associate with other felons, including each other (this rule is known as Standard Condition No. 9). They sued, with the help of the (of course!) ACLU, on the grounds that they were spouses... Read more here.

Wolftracker at Kansas City Catholic posts on Cures without Cloning, reporting on an effort that is underway in MO to right a wrong.

Esther posts on One Reason for the Flipflopping of Local Politicians disclosing that "now we have high profile pro-choice republicans, like Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle, and the not-too-much-in-the- spotlight pro-life democrats, who are sometimes afraid to state for the record that they are for life."


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