Today's Intercessory Prayers

With minds and hearts centered on God alone, we pray:

In thanksgiving for Bill's interview today.

In thanksgiving for all the prayers that went out for him.

For healing for Larry who had an accident at work and fell seven feet on his back (fortunately nothing is broken, but he is in a great deal of pain.)

For the nurses, doctors, CNA's, and all who are caring for Larry at the hospital.

For K.'s family and for a special intention for her husband.

For safe travel and good weather for all those who will be attending the ordinations this weekend.

That Mara's adoption of a nine year old Ukrainian girl will go smoothly.

For the repose of the soul of Harry, for peace and comfort for his family, and for safe travel for those who will be attending his funeral.

For Michael who has lymphoma and is undergoing tests.

For repentance, healing, and conversion of all those who accept blood money from Tiller and other abortionists.

For a special intention.

For all previous intentions mentioned here, for those around St. Blogs, and for all who are most in need of prayer at this time.

Our Father...

May the God of peace be with us all.


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