Today's Intercessory Prayers

Christ the Lord lives among us and we are his adopted people. Let us praise him and offer him our prayers:- Lord, listen to us and show your greatness.

Lord, king and ruler of the nations, guide all peoples and all who exercise power
that they may work together for the common good, according to your laws.

You conquered our captivity and took it prisoner: restore to freedom our brethren who are captive in body or in soul.

May our young grow up irreproachable in your sight and may they wholeheartedly follow you when you call.

Make children follow your example
and move steadily forward in wisdom and grace.

Take up the dead into your eternal kingdom
where we hope one day to rule at your side.

For our Holy Father's special intentions.

For the success of 4o Days for Life.

For Bill's interview later this morning.

For Linda W. who is in the final stages of liver cancer.

For all the prayer intentions at One Came Back.

For the continuing efforts against PP in Aurora, Illinois.

For the conversion of our family members.

For the conversion of all those ensnared in the culture of death.

For all previous prayer requests mentioned here, for all those around St. Blog's and for the intentions of all my readers.

Our Father...

Lord, support us as we pray to you, and keep us day and night under your protection. Guide us as we live in this world of change, and let your own unchangeability be a firm foundation for us.
We ask this our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.


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