A Call for Pro-life Films: Cinema Vita Film Festival

There's a new kid in town . . . opening in San Francisco on March 7, 2008: the Cinema Vita Film Festival. "
The Cinema Vita Film Festival has been established to encourage young, emerging filmmakers and to showcase movies about contemporary issues concerning the meaning and value of life. Coordinated by the San Francisco Archdiocesan Office of Public Policy, the Oakland Diocesan Respect Life Ministry, Marriage for Life, and Ignatius Press, the festival is based on the recognition that art, especially the medium of film, shapes the popular imagination and has a tremendous influence on culture." (read more)
Inspired by the success of Bella, the organizers are putting their money where their hearts are and have established three categories for submission of 3-5 minute, original "visionary works that focus on the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death". The categories are (1) high school (2) college and (3) open classification. EVEN BETTER the prize in each category is $250 AND a Canon HG10 High Definition Camcorder (value $1100). You can read the submission criteria here. Entries must be postmarked by February 14.
The winning films will be shown at the festival on March 7, 2008 at the Delancy Street Theater in downtown San Francisco, along with the award-winning feature film After the Truth, a provocative look at a fictional trial of Dr. Josef Mengele, the notorious Angel of Death at Auschwitz.
Via Deal Hudson.
Cross-posted at Catholic Media Review.
Thanks to your posting of this, I wrote them to enter Gabbi's montage of the March for Life this year in the competition. What a wonderful idea!