The Conversion of St. Paul, the Apostle

This is such a touching miracle and each time I think of Paul, who had previously persecuted the Christians I think of those today who persecute Christians for their beliefs. I think of all the Christian pro-lifers out there and the sufferings and trials they are going through for the conversion of the abortionists and those who are trapped in the culture of death.
Mysteriously, God often opens their hearts and through his life-giving graces transforms their hearts, drawing them to Him. He never gives up on them, but waits patiently for them to come to Him and accept His love. Then there are others whom he knocks right off their horse, humbles them, shows Him the amazing power of His love that their hearts are transformed almost overnight. What an awesome God we have!
"Go out into the world and tell the good news."
~ Mark 16:15
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