Best Films of the Past Month

My favorites have been:

1. Expelled -- No Intelligence Allowed **** A Must See

2. The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep (DVD) ***

3. Nim's Island ***

I've read some great reviews of Expelled -- No Intelligence Allowed. I particularly enjoyed the review of Expelled at Libertas, who comments, "We all know there’s a war against religion in America. We all know it’s a hostile and unrelenting war. We knew this long before the ACLU sued to have Christmas trees removed from firehouses. Under the guise of a separation of church and state — which is written nowhere in the Constitution — freedom of religion is under assault by hostile atheists desperate for a godless theocracy. But did you know this hostility extends to science and academia?" Go here to read the rest.

For teens, I would refer you to Joey's review here. Adults will want to check out the following posts: Darwin's Kool-Aid: A Review Of Ben Stein's "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" at Roman Catholic blog, Expelled: No Intelligence at Steve Ray's blog. Be sure to check out what Jill Stanek has to say on this film in "Expelled from Expelled."

As for The Water Horse, read Leticia's review here. Asymmetric Catholic writes a good review of Nim's Island here.


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