New Booklet Outlines Frightening Facts about Contraception

Via LifeSite News: Without a single reference to a Church document or a passage of Scripture, a new booklet from author Victor Claveau demonstrates that popular contraceptives, considered hallmarks of our modern culture and signs of civilized man's technological conquest of nature, kill at least 6 million US children a year, subject women to a host of harmful side effects, subvert the meaning of sex and family life, and have played a key role in a black genocide.

Claveau's 28-page "'Birth Control and Abortifacients' begins with a detailed analysis of the various standard methods of contraception, noting their abortifacient action and harmful side effects on women.

Claveau pays particular attention to the popular birth control pills that have been widely accepted, even by professedly "pro-life" women, as a means to reduce the sort of unwanted pregnancies that often end in abortion.

Birth control pills artificially flood a woman's body with high levels of hormones in order to produce three main effects on her body: First, the hormones can suppress ovulation, thus preventing the formation of eggs. Second, the hormones can thicken the cervical mucus, thus preventing sperm from reaching the egg. Third, the hormones can alter the uterine lining, thus preventing the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus that provides the newly formed zygote with the oxygen and nutrients he needs to live. More


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