What Matters Most

While the only Sebelius donation on the original list of auction items was a pewter bowl, www.kansasmeadowlark.com now reports that the KC Star Primebuzz of September 21, 2006 said under "Torch Tidbits" that " A late-arriving from Wichita Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius also was well received, particularly when she offered up as an unexpected auction item dinner for six with her and the First Dude at the Governor's Mansion."
Kansans for Life Executive Director, Mary Kay Culp said:
"It doesn't matter if the Tiller party was an extension of the TORCH auction dinner for six, or another event altogether as the source of the pictures claims. What matters most is that late-term abortionist George Tiller and his entire staff got to party-hardy at our tax-funded Governor's mansion while he was under criminal investigation by the attorney general! That ought to matter to every citizen, no matter what their abortion stance.
Information and image via Kansans for Life.
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Governor Sebelius' Response to Secret Tiller Party Called Laughable by OR
He probably won because noone else bid on it -- it was designed with Tiller in mind. It's no secret here in KS that Tiller pours tons of money into her campaign and that she has been protecting him all along. Without Sebelius, he would have been prosecuted a long time ago.